Jo 'Mama' Besser

You hang out on VSB, right? I like your comments.


Ha! If those are our choices then, yes, I agree. I'm a professional wet blanket, though, I know.

And the jacket doesn't even fit.

Dissenting opinion: the person who taught this little baby to do this is a low-class jerk, but, look where they are.

They aren't trying.

Jack-in-the-box Jesus, Carol is annoying.

Some of those Bernie Bros were out there racist and sexist. They kind of reminded me the hoteps who screech about ending white male supremacy and then you find out that it's because they just want black male supremacy.

That was good work.

He has black friends, he watched Cosmos!

Oh, wow. I didn't know it would upset you, sorry. I hope your junk has recovered from whatever specimen attacked it. And what the heck, now Gwen Ifill is dead. This freaking year, I swear.

I kind of need to hear that story.

How long has it been since he last saw Mike? If he wasn't overwhelmed with corpse stench that's a pretty good indicator that Mike's still alive. I find Carol incredibly annoying in the first place, so she seemed completely in-character to me.

More so?

I think he wanted a TV channel or pundit position or to hawk his daughter-wife's cheesy wares, that's why most of the Republicans run for President, you know, to sell books and pizza. But this— you've seen that heifer's face in the pictures— a soothsayer who saw this coming would think that he lost his powers because

It's what I did. Can't read what this 'Moderate' is saying and that's dandy for me.

He had been arrested for cocaine crimes and beating women multiple times, but it only after he received kickbacks that he was removed from the Senate. Not that it meant much since Stephen Harper found him a nice cushy position once again. Makes sense, he was accepting the kickbacks from Stephen Harper.

That's pretty interesting. As with other leaders, there are those who had/have their problems with him, but a lot of people of colour have a soft spot for him. My mother, for instance, is from Jamaica and she came over to southern Ontario (where we remain) 1968 when the employment situation was absolutely dire. That

Thanks. Would you believe that Stanton, at one point, worked with and was very close friends with Frederick Douglass? He, of course, as well as being an advocate for Black people's rights was also a vocal supporter of women's rights, but that relationship with Stanton… that changed.