Jo 'Mama' Besser

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who previously had had a really positive personal and working relationship with Blacks and worked in concert with them to improve the lot of both Blacks and women lost her mind when Black men technically got the right to vote before White women did. Once that happened, you would never know that

Lincoln's an interesting case. Towards the end of his life he saw the error in his previous apathy and came to recognise the evil that was slavery. This change actually occurred around the time of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, but yes, for the overwhelming majority of his life he didn't give a toss

I knew someone would make this Black women's fault.

Dear Ypipo of America,

Dead? Heifer's never heard of fibroids?

Oh. Then I wish they'd do something worthy of it. There were some flashes of something two weeks ago, but it was gone tonight.

Rachel Gunn, RN? Forgot about that, until now. Now I have to look it up to see how bad it was.

This thing's gonna get canceled, huh?

Considering his father's occupation and his strained relationship with said father, it was so clear that he wasn't driven by genuine religious conviction but rather by a mania. I don't even think that Jesus took that many notes, but Stryker doesn't strike me as the Jesus type.

'Black Mariah'? Yeesh.

I agree with this. The actor most definitely elevated the material but you can only go so high. The other antagonists on the show were loathsome and violent, but the actor made Diamondback, for all of his cartoonishness, genuinely scary at times in a way the others villains weren't.

Oh my goodness, yes. I loathe love triangles, as well as, 'Will they won't they?

The music is killer.

Not sure why Lewis would be mad at Phil but not Carol, but all of her bullshit gets a pass, so whatever.

I thought I was the only one who couldn't take the Stevie Wonder version. I told one of my sisters I'd stop talking to her if she kept singing it to me. I hate attention so even regular Happy Birthday makes me want to crawl in a hole and I think, 'Lord help me if I ever get married. Just give me pastor a dank room,

The man received almost 45 000 death threats during his first term alone.

I am humbled.

They're in Malibu.

It was nice to give Betty grace and dignity in her final illness, and it was somewhat satisfying to have Don wordlessly confirm that he's the world's worst husband and a D+ father, but it would've been something fine to see Betty jump on Don's throat a couple of times. A golf club to the knees or iocane powder in his

Ugh, I thought we left her in 2014.