Jo 'Mama' Besser

Misty Mullins can't spell for shit, work on that.

I like them for what they are and think they're deserving of care and affection. People and their pets have a relationship, I get it. I haven't and won't have dogs as pets because of the allergies, but I don't hate them or anything. Seems like we posit a bunch of human anxieties on them and try to elevate them into

I never said anything like that, he speaks for himself.

Yeah, I know they have place, I saw Rescue 911.

They even made up therapy dogs because therapy humans didn't have enough dogs..

What's the story on the dogs? I just tell people that it's because of my allergies that I'm not lovey-dovey with them, but that's only half of the story. The allergies are a convenient out for me because I only like dogs fine, I don't worship them or subscribe to that 'animals are better than people' philosophy. Who

'Hm, well, you know, the camera wasn't working, so…' Just kidding, it's the black and blue one who gets the blame

Conscience? I like your optimism.

Acting like she's the first Black woman to ever have a booty.

I thought I was the only one.

5'0 as well. Everyone seems to think short people are a joke so they're constantly condescending towards them. Annoying.

Gee, I wonder why his friend lost his what seems to be saint-like patience with this jackass— I mean, I wonder why they fell out?

It's never the right way for them, it's always 'not the time' and 'not the way'— anything to avoid saying that they are opposed because the protester is Black and they don't want to hear about it.

They talk a good about how they never get outraged then pitch a fit with this All Lives Matter bullshit because it hurts their hearts that no one is coming after them, or something.

Don't look at me, I'm a monster/You don't know my life.


*in the smallest of voices*

I haven't seen most of these films but I still feel like Armond White wrote this.

Natty Bumppo.

They protected your freedom and now they're going to take it back by telling you what you're 'allowed' to do with it.