Jo 'Mama' Besser

Yes, it's a joke.

Oh my days, the shame of it all. Black Jesus take me away!

I won't, I'm not above knocking this thing into yesterday.

He won't even reveal if he actually graduated from Wharton, he just says that he attended.

So, are we going to let King off the hook because he, too, has experienced pain? i.e. Is this Ms. Ryan's 'n igg a' moment?

Am I being paranoid or are things becoming more hostile towards women and minorities here? It just seems like every time anything black woman-adjacent pops up, you would think someone had been chumming the waters beforehand. I didn't agree with everything Ashley wrote, but you'd think she'd sent people's families to

They think she's immature because she criticized a show, so they're going to do the mature thing and criticize her as a person. That'll show her. I'm guessing a lot of those people look like the show's writer's room and I don't agree with absolutely everything, but a lot of it rings true to me. The irony of these


I agree with what you're saying here, but beyond that it's just nice to see a person disagree with her without tearing her to shreds. Is it so out of hand for a black woman to have a perspective and opinion on this that a person who isn't doesn't?

Evidently not.

I don't know what point they were trying to make, it was so muddled I don't think they were necessarily trying to say so, but the references and parallels to real events suggests that they're equal actions with equal intentions where they're not. Those cops on the camera videos weren't confused or inadequately

Pertaining your last paragraph: Uh-huh. It's not enough to disagree with her, they have to assassinate her character, someone even figured out from her article that she never votes. Lots of mad (seemingly) white people telling her that her perspective on police brutality is overly simplistic and she's too stupid and


You're killing it on this thread, someone has to tell you that because no one seems to agree with you. I do.

That was perfect. I don't need him to be a monster, but I don't need another, 'What about the white people!?!?' session, either. If they were trying to link it BLM specifically, it didn't work because nothing that happened to Rekia Boyd Eric Garner and the like were accidents. If they told the story that way, people

Icarus and Phaeton were wimps.

While it's not the perpetual winter that's portrayed, the ice is real.

See, I'm Canadian, so to me it's always a case of, 'Bring forth your terrible rays, O Dread Apollo!'

Never was.