Jo 'Mama' Besser

Oh, it's exporting. Canada, UK, Australia— they're all trying to get in on that racist brutality tip.

They get to have 'isolated incidents' the point where patterns don't
matter, but we get the 'common thug' treatment. Everything thinking
black person knows that so it makes no sense
that a black man wouldn't understand that a single action by one of us is
extrapolated to the whole of us. That's the part that doesn't

They get to have 'isolated incidents' the point where patterns don't matter, but we get the 'common thug' treatment. Everything thinking black person knows that, so in light of that, it really makes no sense that he, a black man, wouldn't understand that a single action is extrapolated to the whole of us. That's the

He's doing exactly what his parents trained him to do and if it weren't for those meddling kids and their camera phones, he have gotten away with it, too.

See, I thought that 'Bossip' was my trigger word, but it might actually be 'Rudy'. What a cockroach abortion that man is, at least his children are smart enough to completely despise him.

Yeah, he walked with them. I live kind of near Toronto so it was big news for a few days. He's one of the co-founders and said that he was driven to create the parade after the Bathhouse Raids and said he got his inspiration from Stonewall, which, of course, wasn't a white event, in spite of what Roland Emmerich tries

We have some serious drinking to do.

Hell isn't big enough.

That's what does, he hates black people, don't bother with him.

I'm a black Canadian and I can tell you this place is a racism goldmine.

It's like talking to a damn brick.

I think a lot of it has to due with the aftermath of colonization. There's still a lot of condescension in regards to the way that the French views former colonial holdings and now there's a, 'They're entitled, they're taking our jobs, they're mooching off of the system' sentiment. There's still a lot of resentment

As hated as Black people are in Canada, life is a crystal stair for us when compared to what First Nations people endure and if you saw the response to the opening of an Afrocentric school in Toronto you'd see that that says a lot.

Pride is more and more about restricting the presence and controlling of minorities but Blacks are getting the most aggressive response and you've got all of the major news outlets co-signing it. CityTV, CBC, Toronto Star, all of them are going full force with this, 'Who Do You N*****s Think You Are?' line because

You summed that up perfectly. I keep hearing, 'Britain for the British', or some variation of, and I can only think: 'Oh, is that how you choose to play this, now? The world was just your whore to use up as you pleased and you want to throw it over because you no longer have use for it?' You know what, that's actually

They're so hopped up they're going after other White people now. Apparently hate crimes against Poles have skyrocketed since the Brexit vote. Who told these yokels they're so special?

Noooooooope. If you want the most recent example, check out BLM and Pride Toronto. One of the (White) co-founders actually marched with BLM and spoke out about how corporate and police-strangled and even more increasingly racist Pride and the LGBT movement is—he (and the BLM Pride organisers and BLM in general) got a

Ah. We don't get it as bad as the Native population, but if things like incarceration rates are any indication, we'll start catching up. You think people hate BLM in America? Pfft, they're like Miss Universe compared to here.

Canadian here: YUP.

That ending line about the completely unaware mother idly looking for her son who is just—gone is chilling and completely ruins the 'the floor is made of lava' game. If a child ever tells you that he wants a puppy, kick him: it's for his own good!