On the record: Damn, Gina!
Off the record: They age like milk.
On the record: Damn, Gina!
Off the record: They age like milk.
White Lady:
Please, do you think this fifth grade dropout had any sympathy for Rekia and Tamir's mothers? What about the other ones? Did she feel for all of the other black mothers who have lost just as much for doing less and had to see their children and families smeared in the press? Did she feel for them while she was…
People joke about how women are crazy, but who's getting sent to the DV shelters? Men waaaaaaay overplay the 'she's crazy' card.
Do you think it failed? I believe that in a roundabout way she managed to get done what no one else could or would. Her character was less prominent this season, but she's quite the grassroots hero, to me.
Too true. The, 'You don't know him like I do' and/or 'You're just jealous and petty' scenario is unfortunately not just a fiction trope.
Grampa wearing his slippers in the outdoors, love him.
I was done with him when he said that black people get everything, that's a level of dumb I can't handle. Plus, red velvet cake is the business and I don't care who hears me. Love it.
Young people have to vote in the smaller local elections. I'm not American, but it's the same way in Canada. People will show up for the big elections, especially like the one we had last autumn because the whole country grew to despise our Prime Minister, but it doesn't occur to them that they could have stopped a…
It didn't work for EmotionOverLogic.
I had to look away.
You're not alone, I DESPISE toilet humour. Not once has it ever made me laugh, it's just dumb and gross and lazy.
They wouldn't be leveled at a white person, period. There's a bad attitude problem, but it's not hers. She has three strikes against her: She's a woman, she's black and she's a black woman. If someone in that position seeks validation or frequently basic human respect, let alone kindness and regard from the white…
It's horrible to imagine, but it was likely suffocation or massive internal organ damage. It's not the speed, it's the weight.
Nice avatar.
She's adorable and holy, holy, cow, Muhummad Ali is dead!
Must be regional, I don't recognize any of this.
No, but she was small and he helped raise her. *shudder*
Go to your room!