Jo 'Mama' Besser

Yeah. I know he's supposed to be Emperor of the Stately Blacks, but
he always pinged on my, '…um, what did you just?' radar. And then THAT happened.

Yeah. I know he's supposed to be Emperor of the Stately Blacks, but he always pinged on my, '…the hell?' radar. And then THAT happened.

Go to bed!

Kids are stupid and fast, parents have the almost impossible task of not letting kids fall prey to their own devices. Sad situation. Do all of the armchair primatologists and zoologists think that Harambe meant more to them than he did to the people who put him down? They had no choice.

That face and that button nose and the pudgy little arms, ahh! She's so adorable it's almost offensive.

Love Bob's Burgers, too wimpy for Game of Thrones.


28. Some girls age like milk.

Second one.

In Canada we still call him, 'Wheelchair Jimmy'.

Put that on a shirt, please. But you're so right, we have to endure it and yet they're the ones complaining about how terrible we make if for them. Then, they use it as an excuse to discount anything a woman says to a man that isn't slobbering devotion. Ugh.

Increasingly, he's not. On top of it, he's a crummy doctor as well.

The last straw was when I saw the doctor's dog running around in the place. Even if I weren't allergic to them, it'd be too much. The Yelp reviews of mine are also terrible to the tune of, 'doesn't return phone calls' and, 'no one answers the phone'. I've never used the bathroom there, but from what I've read, your

My doctor's secretary doesn't answer the phone. Ever. I'm looking for a new one but just go the clinic in the meantime because luckily I only have to get prescriptions updated every few months.That office is notorious for it and even other doctors can't get in touch with him. I don't know why he doesn't fire that

She gone.

If you feel like you have to bring him up, post a link to the site where people can donate money to his parents' foundation. They're part of an organisation that combats gun violence in Florida, so at least there will the possibly of some greater benefit than just giving him free publicity.

Don't forget incestuous molester.

I just read that the auction will not be going forward.

He's had some women, he just beats them all.