Jo 'Mama' Besser

Was the math he was doing working out the odds of being held up by an entitled and confused fool?

She's too extra.

Or Birth of A Nation. Hollywood likes black people best in slave form, it lets white people feel good about themselves and makes them nostalgic.

I enjoy dry and dark comedy, but this didn't do it for me. I HAAAATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE HAAAATE Ted Cruz, but I don't know what needed to be said about the Zodiac Killer meme. What was the point of it? What greater truth did it reveal? Why not just make a joke about his female doppelganger who is making the adult

It pains me to say this, but I guess I have to be that Black voice in the wilderness who doesn't care for Wilmore's performance. The president was reliably entertaining and sometimes laugh out loud funny, his Dinner speeches get better with each passing year and I'm lamenting that there won't ever be another one, but

Waaaaaaay back that wasn't even considered out of place. Reading Canterbury Tales in high school was an experience.

Exposures? I don't think I know what that is, unless you mean d*** pics posted online, would you please explain what it means?

There was big mess last year when some dumb punk thought he could walk all over a females sportscaster. So, live on the (Toronto, so a lot of people see it) news, a woman was reporting on a Blues Jays game and getting some fan reactions as they left the stadium, when some jerk comes up behind her and yells into her

They are holes of the southern region.

Isn't it something that I came away from this thinking, 'Um, this stuff was TAME'? When compared to stuff I've seen written about black women, this is the sandbox.

Snap. Well, if you find yourself on the unemployment tip, you can visit me in Ontario.

My sister works in HR for the City of Toronto, she's walked through the rain.

Man, I came across two silly idiots who were holding hands and expected me to walk under their raised arms. That mess right there is exactly why doves cry.

Ugh. That right there was exactly why doves cry.

People misusing King to scold Black people, how novel.

Oooooh, that's just hateful!

And it's NOT working.

Thanks, Star!

Lookit that, the power of hatred is so thick that white girls are even getting caught in the crossfire. That's a lot of spite. There are black-owned wineries, I hope they investigate those in the future.