Jo 'Mama' Besser

The Tarantino Effect.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Gawwwwwd!

They were both married, then.

Buzzfeed is owned by the Koch brothers, yes.

And the sunlight didn't wake him.

But Alcibiades got his when he macked on another dude's wife, so it makes the whole Herms thing beside the point.

They aren't told that now? Kind of surprised that so many people are in favour of whitewashing, though.

That plotline where Martin ran away was so stupid and then he had to go and lose his shit in real life and start harassing Tisha Campbell-Martin. That show went straight to hell when his bullshit led to her exiting the series prematurely. When it was good, though, it was funny stuff. Whenever someone brings up that

I've seen the transformation, though. Pre-marriage, my friend's husband was a rah-rah feminist but the second they got married it was all about the traditional home and hearth. It lasted about three years.

Ewwwww. I hope you dumped him.

That brother was the worst.

Those impersonations were truly heinous.

I'll do my best, as unfortunately anything SCTV-related gets pulled from YouTube almost immediately, so this is just fuzzy memory crumbs.

William B. saved them in the end.

Not all cops.

Kerry Washington as the aqua two-piece.

Community posts would get into the tens of thousands.

A few headlines.

For black people, this kind of unfairness is just another Tuesday. And Tuesday brunch, and elevenses, and lunch and siesta… For white people, it was so shocking that they were, for once, not the ones who got their justice that they made a television show about 20 years later because they're still surprised and mad.

It'll be inbred as hell until it dies out, we don't a sequel to the Spanish Hapsburgs.