Jo 'Mama' Besser


I think he's referring to the film classic, Too Many Grandmas, starring Bo Derek and Olympia Dukakis, which Larry Burns and Homer saw at the Aztec when they were staging the phony kidnapping. The line is, 'Hurry up Grandma, Grandma's gaining on us!' Or, you already knew this and I look like a pedantic fool right now.


You're welcome. It was a really quick throwaway line that Zoey mumbled out, I almost missed it and all I was doing was eating an ice cream cone.

He did get rid of the presents, he threw them all out while the kids were asleep, so they got nothing. He nixed the decorations and Christmas dinner, too, so Ruby's Black Jesus birthday cake was the whole story. That's why Daphne left— they weren't going to feed her anything but a slab of cake with four gloomy brats

So much for Danny.


Europe's guns outmatch Africa's spears again, right? At this point, 'Sam' could be short for 'Sambo'. I'm not of the mind that all entertainment has to be edifying and noble but, yes, as you said, Falk is unintentionally painting a picture, here. It seems like he's trying hard dismantle some trope, but the fact that

Yes, patronizing is the word I would use and maybe, 'fuck this show' is a touch strong, but this latest episode got quite gross. The show forwards the notion that it's funny and unexpected that these rappers would have hidden depths or stray from the stereotype. So, on top of them being a joke in the first place for

I thought about that, too and I think that's what they're trying to do, but it's coming off as increasingly hollow when it hits the same stereotypical beats so much more consistently. Yes, they're witty and it's 'like totes hilar' that the rappers have a few interests outside of, 'Thuggy 'Black' Things That Black

It all crystallized when the first black women we've ever seen on this show were loud violent thugs. Season one, you have the stereotype of black men drooling over white women, any of them re: Gretchen and then this. Rappers and thugs with a touch of 'nuance' to keep it just this side of a sideshow.

I know what I wrote.

Every black character is an ignorant, stereotypical buffoon. Fuck this show.

You're not a hardass, Carol's being an idiot.

You mean Andrew Jackson, but I agree with everything you've said.

And how many times do people need to be reminded that the majority of all violent crime is intraracial? White people murder white people at roughly the same percentage as do black people, but there's no, 'white on white' crime.

Things can get dark with almost no warning. My aunt was a nurse when she had an appendicitis, so she knew what was happening and what to do at the earliest stage possible. Thank God that she had that extra knowledge because her case went from 'routine' to 'life-threatening' in a frighteningly short amount of time. She

I don't know what it is about the way he holds that dachshund and smiles but it never fails to get a giggle out of me.

And it has little Colin!

Can you novelize Fiona Apple?