Jo 'Mama' Besser

And I don't even like squid. I guess the amount of octopus is so small that it doesn't make a difference, or maybe the place where I used to eat it was uncommonly good.

She was at Jacqueline's birthday party.

It's really good.

What do you mean? Mr. Cooper had a PhD in personality, or so I'm told.

Second-hand confirmation.

I don't understand what drives your brain on this one, but I support you in your time of need.

I didn't say all white people say it, but the people who say it say it are white. In truth, this violent response is exactly how I expected a certain segment of the population would react to having an 'uppity' president from whom they believe they need to retrieve 'their' country. The losers have come out to play and

With respect, it's only white people who say that: they're dead wrong. Consider the ages of the people who have abused and killed black people over the last year, for instance, with some exceptions these people are 33 and younger and their legion of sycophants aren't confined to the Geritol Set.

Switch those names.

Yes, we had to live through this twice, same for 'Who Let the Dogs Out?'. We also had twice the Backstreet Boys, so it was a strange time for the True North. I think I heard 'Superman's Dead' more times than I've seen my own mother's face.

You win prizes, this song is beyond vomitrocious and was clearly written by a dipshidiot. Dang, I hate this song.

Does this mean I get—I mean, *need* to shoot you?

Game on.

What in the name of sanity decided on doing that? Why don't we just make tumors airborne?

This is the worst song ever written in all of human history— that's just science.

No, burn this guy—he lost the good bucket.

I thought they were setting Tandy up, they didn't even flinch when Phil tackled him. Todd looked like he felt guilty about it but none of them tried to stop what happened once it got going and there's no way they couldn't have overpowered Phil if they were of a mind to do it. I imagine they didn't tell Carol.

You're going to be my ex-wife, someday? So, I guess I have to get wedded—hm, well… so be it. Good thing I'm single and I mean, 'I'm not gay, but I'll learn', so we can make it work. Plus, I'm Canadian so we can get the 'wives legals' done easy-peasy, but I'm going to be *That Girl* and correct your spelling to

I'd be crabby too if I hadn't washed my face in over 50 years.

He's like a less tragic and pathetic version of Jackson from Danger-5.