Jo 'Mama' Besser

Ha! How sad that this was what functioned as surrogate porno.

That arrow scene is sheer, unadulterated (and uninsured) glory. 'Why are you so nervous?', I thought to myself when viewing that scene for the first time. 'You know he's going to die.' Straight through the neck. Eeep!

Don't acknowledge it in public!

Good thing she writes fiction.

How to Get Away With Being Alessandra Stanley. Though, if it were up to me, it would be Get Away, Woman.

Couldn't she have just complimented her?

That's what I said in my second comment. There wasn't one the capacity that it was reported, but it ended up existing indirectly because the media wouldn't calm its butts. The monster that didn't exist until it was willed into being by boredom and paranoia. People responded to fiction and the media performed some

Yeah, I heard about those—I guess I'd call it more of second-hand hysterical knockout paranoia kind of situation. It doesn't make a lick of sense, granted, but that's how it seems to me.

This is going to sound weird and out of place, but I hate it when 'The Girl Who Is Perfect' is running through the grass in slow motion and constantly looks behind her, giggling at her romantic partner (or wannabe partner) as if that's a signal that she is pure and angelic and 'Perfect Love'. Please just trip and

'I kid professors'

Shame the "Doctor + Rose = True Love Forever" crap existed.

Oh, that one again. Pfft, he'd know.

It's pronounced beautifully.

What 10Cities…said. There's no knockout game.

They hear it quite a bit. Time and time again.

I've got a ravine full of frozen, dead elephants who would disagree.

Trying to pin this one on the faeries, huh?

See, that makes more sense to me.

I always liked 'Neon Rainbow'.

That one-two punch of 'I Am the Cosmos' and 'Better Save Yourself' gets right to your gut.