Jo 'Mama' Besser

Accurate rant. Some the other side of the divide, I know that once the giddy high burn itself out, the extended lowness makes you think that are being selfish by being a huge burden to people and definitely start to think that they'd be better off if I weren't forcing them to stop everything and make me feel better,

I was right there with you until I realized that I just can't do that to Tina Belcher.

Yes, I remember some months ago we heard that we're 'apathetic' and 'fashionably dead'—you know, again.

Can you imagine if people started portraying everyone as white? That would just be weird.

I really like Royal Wood's new album, The Burning Bright. And just toss in all the Sexsmith in general, that guy needs more recognition.

I can't let you besmirch the name of that show, which I thought was a riot and still miss.

I can agree with that.

No, I get it, and thank-you for responding. The world has been brainwashed into praising the whitewash. It was absorbed passively and often taught explicitly. Some deny the passive part because it's invisible or because they might not have been around for a lot of explicit stuff. That's the place from whence silly

It's not surprising, it's prevalent. Black men weren't off in an anechoic chamber when everyone else was taught to hate and dismiss black women. Many of them didn't follow suit, but believe me, many of them learned that lesson too well.

Look, if you are a black woman none of the this is shocking to hear, it's what you hear on a day that happened to be Friday this time. We hear it every day and we hear it from everyone. Anywhere you go in the world, it will hold that the worst thing you can be is a black woman—as if we did something—I mean, we all

That's just kind of how the Polaris Prizes roll—give the money to the
ones who least need it and the exposure to those with too much of it.
The longer it's around, the more it seems like they award acts that
have been 'validated' by success in America. Not that it's a bad thing
to connect with the American audience at

The Burning Bright is a fantastic album, I'm listening to it right now! I thought Royal Wood was a lock.

Very Sir Prince Charles.

Shut it, Tostig!