
So, similar to Deadcast?

So I’m not the only one that read it as “furious bukake”. That makes me feel better

Judging by the reactions on here, not only are you correct but you're a whiny douche for pointing it out. Maybe quit while you're ahead

That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard

Trolling of Gawker should never be in the grays

If you think any of these teams left for any reason other than money, then you are truly an idiot

Nahh, not smug or self righteous enough

Am I the only person that sees the irony in this? How many times has Ortiz thrown a bitch fit and then whined about “respect”? Isn't that what him and his new ace pitcher were beefing about for like three years? Ortiz lecturing about respect is like Adam LaRoche telling kids to stay in school.

Just like old saying goes: “It’s better to be shot by someone you know accidentally than to be shot by a stranger on purpose.”

How DO you pronounce it?

This is awfully fucking smug. I'm a white man who did not graduate college and am neither of those things. Get the fuck over yourself

Best Homophobes in Baseball AMIFUCKINGRITE!!!

Does this change Gawker Media’s official stance on the death penalty?


You do know that this is all fiction, right?

Yeah! I’ll see your “IT’S ALL RAYCESS!” and raise you another “YOU RAYCESS FOR POINTING THAT OUT!”

I second this

He's gotta make a decision. He can leave tonight or live and die this way

Fucking thank you. That’s a handsome salary for a guy that will either bat .350 for two months before landing on the DL for the remainder of the season OR stay healthy but bat .240

I don’t know if I would call $8 million to play a game for one year “peanuts”.