I like that every year Netflix takes V for Vendetta off for November then re-adds it in December.
You’re looking at a chicane that I marshalled. There’s no problem here. The truck is parked 30 ft back blocking a hole in the fence behind (on the slow side) a chicane.
I really appreciate all the cat names in this. Good blogging.
You shouldn’t give a shit about someone else wearing leather to protect against road rash. Your phobia of Leatherface and Buffalo Bill should have no bearing on anyone but yourself.
Ride more. End of story.
What the hell is that arrow pointing to?
Does that mean it’s not coming on then?
I bet Don Jr. wishes he was as strong as his brother Eric. Dude can’t even pet a fluffy rabbit without breaking its neck.
Only if it is freshly ground to the ground.
Wait, isn’t this the moron who’s always shitting on people for taking paternity leave? What an opportune moment to publicly remind people to care more about their families.
I don’t want to Monday Morning QB your editor but I think we probably would have figured out “Boston” from the rest of the headline.
Says the Flesh Croissant.
You’re lucky to be alive.
You may not like it, but this is what Peak Editor-In-Chiefing looks like.
I’m getting a bit of Deja Vu here. If the battery technology existed back then, they could have had this thing Running in the ‘90s.
So I can, and let me repeat that, so I can keep track of the visions in my dreams.
Always wear sunglasses at night.