
If the world were just, he wouldn’t be attending because he won’t still be president on April 29.

So many news outlets are boycotting this dinner. So, it sounds like a case of Trump going, “Oh, you’re boycotting me? You can’t do that. I am boycotting you! So, there. How you like them apples? Sad!!!”

Awww, he can’t handle the roast. Sad!

If they have to hold the dinner sans the fake POTUS, then they should just use a basketball with a wig on it as a stand-in for the Turnip-in-Chief - or maybe a root vegetable of some sort. They can always mock him in absentia and make him rant about it on Twitter.

Get Obama there, given how it’s rumoured that his issues and desire for Presidency started because of a joke he made years ago at the Tango man’s expense.

So the grab pussy man shows out as a total pussy? (Joke could be better but sorry I’m wasted) ETA Following the example of all the pussy repubs who won’t show up at Town Halls because they’re scared of being yelled at.

So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.

I still hope they get someone funny to host and just rip Trump a new asshole.

tweet should have said: I’m a lil bitch.

Kim Jong Orange, like most despots and tyrants, lacks the ability to laugh at himself.

They should invite Hillary too. She did win the popular vote, after all.

Hell, go all out and have Alex Baldwin as Trump and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.


Wait... what’s wrong with “enamored with”?

See also “should of”. Bonus rage when used as “should of went”.

Rory was the WORST. I wanted her working as a barista in Pittsburgh and going home to a 250 ft. cockroach infested hovel and swiping Tinder all night because THAT’S what she deserved.

I have become a shade wanker. I must say “that’s not shade” at least once a week (i’m looking at you, Cosmo UK)

So here’s the thing about people misidentifying actual cruel comments (eg: Karl) as shade. As we all know, shade is delicate. It is intelligent. It is carefully crafted and should be admired. Saying that Karl “shaded” someone makes it seem like he is a smart, carefully-crafted, to-be-admired man, and the truth of it

I wonder if there is anyone in Karl Lagerfield’s life who loves him. I bet even that cat he stole hates him. “Pussy, you are looking a little chubby today; no tuna for you”. Cat: scratches him to death and eats his corpse. Spits it out because he is stringy. End scene.