
Walgreens also carries it, but neither place seems to carry the entire line, at least not here. So you might have to order.

Nothing more I hate than spending money on a thimble full of product. lol

They don’t have to have 2-on-1's, either. At least one lead refused to allow them. (I have a hard time imagining Nick saying no to the producers, though.)

Yeah, I mean decisions like who to give the rose to. I get the impression he’s been ready to be done with Corinne since that conversation with V (his body language around C has completely changed since then, even when they kiss his body stays really far from her) but allowed the producers to convince him to keep her

That’s terribly incorrect.

It’s way too much. Especially as you say, Vo5 with a few oils and butters (that you can make yourself!) can do the same job.

Unfortunately, those amounts are perfectly in line with mid-range “premium haircare” pricing. I may try it, when I pay off the last credit card, but I’ll probably just stick to As I Am.

Support our troops, amirite?

Not to condone violence, but the senate floor has seen it before. I wish colonel wright had brought a cane with her.

Do it. Why placate these people anymore?

This. Start making the lists now, so the war crime trials can be resolved quickly.

I’ve noticed that Trump and the rest of the administration are especially triggered by women blatantly telling them “NO.” Perhaps if we keep using this tactic, they will all give themselves strokes.

We should get his name. We should start a list of all of Trump’s collaborators!

“Following orders”

Age hasn’t dampened her heroism. She can kick, stretch, and KICK. She’s Ann Wright and she’s 70 years old.

The women are leading this revolution and it makes me wanna knock over my desk, run out of the office, and take to the streets. You are a hero, Colonel Ann Wright!!

“Jeff Sessions is having the day he deserves.”

Why the fuck would she need to be manhandled? Man, woman or child, this is a person that is not making any violent moves or moving in a threatening manner. What the fuck is wrong with this officer?

She needs another award. #setherfree

She has more balls than that entire Committee, and she’s proven it over decades.