
You’re too stupid to actually think about what happened if schools were allowed to do this with impunity.

Mountain frost sucks and so do you.

All the money in the world won’t make her not a quadriplegic. Something to consider while you gloat.

Why are their cars on the second floor patio? I am deeply confused. Have they not heard of garages, and how did they get up there and why? Do they sunbathe on their cars?

Can you symapthize with a girl who is severly physically disabled?

Dude you have to make a distinction between North and South Brookline (where the Park School is located). Northern Brookline is extremely diverse (albeit wealthy) and urbanized area. My elementary school had over 50 languages spoken by students, and native-born white kids only made up about 60% of the school. South

There is a Florida, MASSACHUSETTS!

Please oh please tell me she reported this to someone?

What flavor of Haterade did you drink this today?

It looks like the used The Sims to design that monstrosity.  

You’re correct about a lot of the residents, but I think you’re burying the lede with your description in that Brookline shares a border with six Boston neighborhoods. It’s not a suburb in the way a lot folks unfamiliar with the area would picture it, like an hour outside of the city. I lived in both Brookline and

Interesting. I thought a lot of people move to Brookline because it’s surrounded on 3 sides by Boston and makes it easy to get into the city. Why wouldn’t the move farther out of the city if they were so phobic? Can’t speak for the Russian community, which seems pretty large and self-segregated.

Someone needs to create a dedicated Twitter account for this ASAP.

WTF is that parking....

Except it’s Brookline, not Brooklyn.

Just sharing this because.

At least they were pretty open about it. There are a lot of “charter” and “choice” schools out there who offer “special education” instruction in order to meet the requirement for government money, only to ghettoize these kids within the school. A friend of mine got a special ed teaching position at one of these

I don’t see a reason to get pissed at people who want to pay for private school, as long as they pay their part for public school. More money for public schools to put towards the other kids.

Wow. That’s one of the most clear cut cases of discrimination I’ve read about in a long time. Did the school not even bother to consult a lawyer?

In related news, Betsy DeVos just announced that $1 billion in federal funding will now go to Park School.