
White people aren’t terrorists.—America

No better than Dylan roof. Fucking killing a man in his house of worship.

He’s so shady. He didn’t disavowe the groups endorsement. He only said he disavows “any activity like that” .why not be clear here? But he clearly states how he is pro life . Why? Is he concerned more with staying aligned with project rescue? He only says he would follow the law. I call bullshit

He fucking should. I hope he’s scared out of his mind. Honestly, at this point, I *hope* these dumb fuckers cower in fear of what we might try to do to stop them.

Nothing. There are generally no consequences for politicians lying. And this guy isn’t even elected, he’s nominated.

bad publicity from some outlets, praise as an American patriot for killing a terrorist illegal ant from others.

Somehow I feel that someone who is sympathetic to domestic terrorists would interpret “disrupting a doctor’s practice” very differently than someone who recognized terrorism as what it is.


I hope the DNC has a far more secure server to archive this - and the videos from the other confirmation hearings - because it’s all going into the Memory Hole on Jan 21st…

Operation Rescue = Christian terrorism.

Like, I’m pro-choice, but I don’t like the idea of ME getting an abortion, so I use birth control so I don’t get pregnant in the first place. *shrug*

Because nothing is more pro-woman than forcing them to give birth to children they don’t want and then not giving a shit about them once they do.

My favorite was when Sarah Palin said she chose to keep Trig, even though she knew he had Down Syndrome and everyone held her up as this pro-life, anti-choice icon even though she chose, therefore she made a choice.

I’ve never understood that particular disconnect. Choice. What’s difficult on understanding this concept?

A few weeks ago I pulled up at a red light and there were a bunch of women on the corner with tape and giant signs featuring dead feti. Sounds better than fetuses. Of course they were fully formed babies and probably the result of a devastating later loss, but you know - semantics. This was across from the mall, a

Yeah, like, can we stop acting like the pro-choice and anti-abortion factions are like two equal halves? One of them is literally in the center: Having the choice to abort or bring a fetus to term, and one of them is simply anti-abortion., which is an extremist opinion and position, and we need to call it out as such.

All 6 of them will be accompanied by their husbands. You gotta protect those frail minds from that crazy feminism talk.

Right? Like, you guys know that being pro-choice doesn’t mean being in favour of forced abortions, right?

jeezus that photo really captures what sanctimonious, smarmy shits they all are.