

Kevin Sorbo. I win!

One of the zombies in this episode was wearing a shirt that I also own, but it's from 2013. Guess Old Navy survived the zombie apocalypse!

I think Daniel Radcliffe attempted it on a talk show once.

Oh, neat!

Tom Lehrer - The Elements

Elton John - The Bitch is Back

Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown

Jim Croce - I Got a Name

I really enjoyed reading the specific commentary on Beckett in the AV Club reviews. I believe she was described as an "impressive ice statue".
Anyway, good luck to you!

CASTLE. I stuck with it so long for love of Fillion. I finally stopped watching it not long after the reviews stopped on here.

I was probably 16, so it's not THAT big of an accomplishment. However, if you have 25-year-old underwear at this point, I might suggest a trip to your department store of choice.

I met one of the remaining munchkins at the Minnesota State Fair a few years ago. He told me that he has underwear older than me.

He's probably second on the call list after Jimmy Nicol.

I relate entirely to your young Beatles fan experience. Just add the internet and the ability to make a really crappy fan site on Netscape Composer.

Rory plus Marty 4EVA

Sean, you never went the George route just to avoid the conflict altogether? He was always my favorite.

Coincidentally, I had an argument with my coworkers on a recent car trip where they claimed Ebony and Ivory was Paul and Michael and they exploded with disbelief when I corrected them. And I wasn't even alive when that shit came out!

But that coat is so cool!

Keyboard McCartney is my favorite McCartney.