Joliet Jake Blues

It should be noted that the fundraiser is for the Hillary Victory Fund, which does help Hillary’s campaign, but also donates to down-ticket races. This sort of funding is usually vital for smaller Democratic campaigns, who cannot acquire enough funding on their own to be competitive.

That may be all to the good.

I did not even recognize him. Before I read the headline I thought they were rebooting that VH1 show where the teach guys how to neg and dress like clowns in order to attract hot women.

I find it really hard to read articles about the negative side of internet culture. This is because every couple of sentences my brain is shouting, “Who gives a shit, who gives a shit, who gives a shit.” If something can be ignored as easily as not vising certain reddit pages and blocking a few people on Twitter, is

Ok I know you want to but them in concentration camps but think about for a minute.

No censorship is okay. If you don’t like something buy it, put your money where your mouth is. But don’t accept that someone decides for others what they are allowed to see and hear.It doesn’t matter if you judge something as perverted or objectifying, because you have no right to not be offended. You live in a free

Social justice warrior extremists? One great example for that would be Mellissa click. You should google her It has nothing to do with gaming but it is a great example how extreme people can get.

Gamers are the worst. Seriously we are. Needy, whiny, entitled, easily offended (but tell other people not to get offended) and eternally insecure. Do sports fans doxx athletes because they don’t like them? When was the last time large groups of movie-buffs tweeted offensive and hateful things at a movie editor, or

They seem to equate feminism with liberalism, however it is conservative politicians who have consistently rallied and created legislation against the gaming industry and violent or sexual games. They are barking up the wrong tree. Liberals would be more inclined to defend gaming as free speech whereas conservatives

No this is not how pedophilia works.....

Reddit has 36 million accounts (as of June 2015, so almost certainly more now). Congrats on your .13% of total accounts subscribing.

Gamergate was idiotic. Everyone who was pro-GG was an idiot. The whole movement was idiotic. Every normal person knows this. Anyone who is still dumb enough to support gamergate is not going to have their minds changed because, as noted above, they are idiots. This piece was well-written and a good read, but I worry

Why do you think waifu or husbando pillows are ridiculous? If people want to buy them men or women more power to them.

From what I’ve seen as an outsider it looks like the GamerGate thing was massively overblown by the media, the very media that GG is criticizing, almost like there’s ulterior motives at work.

The easy answer is GamerGate, the all-too-familiar amorphous group of gamers who organized in summer 2014 after game designer Zoe Quinn’s sex life was made public and eventually ended up at “ethics in games journalism.”

I will heavily fight against censorship but no one deserves something like that. Especially not about a college paper. Personally I think Japan is handling pedophilia much better anyway. These people did not chose to be pedophile just like you chose not to like men or women.

GamerGate is gross.

JFK conspiracy theories are my favorite conspiracy theories. They have a kind of retro, throw-back vibe about them. That one is a doozy. Did your former co-worker have any opinions about the second shooter?

10 week old fetuses have really big feet apparently, since they are only 1.25" long at that point.