Joliet Jake Blues

Oh boy the tin foil hat crowd is gonna have a feast with this one

Trump thought that was a Russian flag so he left it in.

Oh well. TNF sucks regardless of who’s calling the games.

One gun. Four people charged with possessing it. How?

So I’ll explain. The joke is that the shadows are probably the least telling reason that the picture is photoshopped. Your confidence in other people is shockingly low.

Actually you have to thank the Weimar Republic for that. The project was first penned in the 1920s, the first Autobahn was opened in 1932, Hitler took over in 1933 and greatly expanded on the existing plans because apparently he really liked cars since from a logistic/military point of view they were practically

Well, that’s what she stated. The DA’s office is saying that’s not true.

Actually, no, I’m not. Let me guess, you’re a gun-fetishizing prick who has no concept of the reality that guns actually DO kill people? An armed society is a polite society? Nevermind the fact that we leave every other developed nation in the dust with our rate of gun deaths—that’s just those bad guys who need a good

Good thing this didn’t happen in a place like Texas, with all those open carry assholes. There would have been real tragedy if those people were told about multiple shooters coming from different directions.

It’s obvious security theater people.

Count me in with everyone wondering what the hell they were thinking, using real guns for this.

Hopy crap! In the Navy we used blue plastic guns for training scenarios! You should never point a real firearm at anyone even unloaded in training! That is twhat those blue plastic weapons are for so you know you are safe. So that Cop actually pointed a gun at her and instead of saying “bang” he pulled the trigger!

That “tiny piece of debris” was a bullet, you dip.

Kinda. If you’re in Florida and willingly attend these things, you have to be quite dumb to NOT think that something is going to go wrong. Something always goes wrong because it’s fucking Florida.

*gasp* a gun kills someone, no one could have forseen this situation, afterall guns don’t kill people... no no, dumbass people kill people, and there are plenty of those out there, let’s give them guns and a badge!

I am a genuinely nice person, but I am having a very hard time feeling sympathy for anyone involved in this idiocy

I’m starting to understand why the Brits don’t let the average bobby carry a gun.

If only there were some good guys with guns there, this tragedy could have been averted.

You have no clue what you’re talking about. The Shah’s government didn’t pay the US government anything. They set up a $400m trust in USD in the U.S. Since they never actually paid for anything that money sat in the trust fund for the last 30some years gaining interest - and since it was a U.S. based trust filled with