
Best news ever! Such an amazing show and it would have been truly heart breaking to let it go after only 8 episodes. So happy this show will be given more room to grow.
It's been absolutely spectacular so far and I can't imagine how much trippier and more amazing it might get as the scope expands.

I think you're confusing this with another show. They never said this was "one and done".

Read an interview where they said it's intentionally vague. I guess it's part of the methods they use to give it its own flair and surrealism. I also think it's just not something that really matters in the grand scheme of things. They did use fairly advanced tablets in the premiere though, so I'm assuming it is set

OK, sold. How do I watch this show?

He's a chameleon. Really appreciate his diversity and it's cool that he's finally being noticed post-Downton.

2017 is the year of Dan Stevens and I couldn't be happier about it. Legion is brilliant and Beauty and the Beast is going to be a smash (though you're probably only going to see his face in it for maybe 5 minutes).

Waiting for the Graphic Designer Association to issue a formal complaint, tbh.

Yeah, my problem was more with the word "demand".

He also said "Sky's the limit", and implies there will be some additional reward besides exposure and accolade (and I don't think those are in doubt as you seem to).

Pratt didn't direct his post at professional artists, he directed it at his fans. He also didn't demand any service.

And again - we don't know the actual prize yet. You're assuming it's nothing, I actually think he's going to do something special for whoever wins, be it monetary or otherwise (for a big fan, getting to meet or talk to Pratt is better than a paycheck). So you saying there's no actual prize is premature (even if you

You're the one who brought up the Amanda Palmer thing as a comparable case - I assume she made money off of her tour. That's why I brought that up.

He's not making money off of this header, and the way he phrased his request made it clear it wasn't meant to be anything professional. It's about involving fans in something, and it's getting the desired result as many are participating with hilarious, mostly very unprofessional (but great) contributions, and getting

Well said. Completely agree.

He's not soliciting free work from graphic designers, he asks fans to participate in a fan contest. Nobody has to do it, there's no deceit, and I'm sure the fans who do it (and there are tons of them) are happy to partake. Doesn't sound like he wants a professionally done header, just something fun and funny that fans

You may think that, but I personally know quite a few people who went to see this movie specifically because they wanted to see Pratt in it. It's not the majority, no, the brand itself and dinosaurs are the main draw, but there are people who went to see this movie for Pratt.

I can't fault him for being embraced by them, because basically everyone embraces him. If they can find something to latch onto that makes them feel represented by a guy like Pratt, they're gonna milk it for all it's worth.

Yeah, it is old news but I guess it never went fully viral up to now, and over the days since JW opened it's clear the media is hungry for Pratt content (a great example is that cut sketch from SNL that went viral the other day).

That would basically kill off the "movie star draw" idea for two of the biggest contenders for movie stardom these days. Hope it doesn't happen because I have faith in that movie. JLaw will have Joy first though, slightly less faith in that one.

Agreed. In GOTG especially, he brought a lot of himself into the character - many of the jokes were improv and collaboration between him and James Gunn. In Jurassic it's a more typical hero type but I still think his charisma made the character likable and convincing. I think he deserves some credit for that.