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    Yes that kid too!! Child actors are so overlooked it's frustrating.

    Noone seems to care about Lion? I thought it's a whole lot better than La La Land. And that child actor should be nominated for an Oscar. His performance was better than Ryan Gosling's awkwardness.

    Leave it alone Americans who are too lazy to read subtitles.

    I hated Wind-Up Bird Chronicle when I first read it 9 years ago. I read Sputnik Sweetheart and Norwegian Wood before that and loved both books. After reading most of his works, I came back and read Wind-Up Bird Chronicle again. I don't know why I like it a lot more now.

    Did people see Right Now, Wrong Then because the actress was also from The Handmaiden? It's such an underwhelming film and probably my least favourite from Hong Sang-soo.

    My biggest problem was the pregnant woman who ran like an Olympic runner.

    If there is one Japanese animator who deserves as much recognition as Miyazaki in the mainstream, it's Shinkai.

    I reckon; firstly, they saw how Lion easily switched side to the one who offered more, and came to a conclusion that Lion isn't trustworthy enough. Secondly, didn't they swear on killing everyone who associated with Pablo, even just a little bit?

    I wish Daniel Bruhl were there!