
That’s preposterous. Are people born with racist views? Are people born with particular religious views? Are people born with a favorite food? Everything is some form of learned behavior based on how a mind reacts to and adapts to situations and environmental feedback throughout life.

I in no way was taking agency away from men. Historical context, culture, zeitgeist, norms, etc all need to be considered in conversations like this especially because our mutual goal is to change shitty norms to make the world a better place, right? Isn’t #metoo about changing the unacceptable status quo? One part is

I appreciate the feedback, I hope I didn’t seem like an a$$hole or anything. I don’t really have time right now to write an essay, but I tend to respond to criticism of left of center white guys from the left because it obviously touches a nerve for me personally. Matt Damon certainly doesn’t need me to defend him. 1)

Wasn’t the timing of Damon’s comments right around when Al Franken was pressured to resign by his own party (not arguing merits here) while the opposing party was doubling down on support (or at least public indifference) of an accused (with lots of evidence) child molester running for Senate? I believe the logic that

this is a great comment

I don’t understand why the Process irritates you so much. I’m a Knicks fan and I would gladly go along with a “process” especially one that doesn’t aim to collect players based on their hypothetical ability to play in a particular offense (even if the offense wasn’t antiquated). Sure it’s obnoxious to basically

This was over 3 years ago, and I still get notifications of people bitching about shit I wrote earlier in the thread. And now 3 years later, as I’m re-reading this, I realized that it DID totally turn me off to this site and I never really got involved again. And I also find it weird that the Alt-Right ended up using

“There has been occasional resentment behind the scenes about Lowe’s role, however.” Who are these clowns at ESPN that complain about him and used to complain about Simmons? A bunch of whiny no-talent dicksheads.

The city AND the team both deserve this clusterfuck for stealing away the team from New Britain.

WRONG! Ten was not produced by O’Brien, Rick Parashar did it and in fact, PJ never loved the mix/production on it because it had too much reverb so they had O’Brien do a re-mix in 2009. O’Brien did the most of the rest of PJ’s albums but there were much less similarities in sound. Anyway, the STP ripped off PJ is such

I almost stopped reading this as soon as you fucked up by calling Plush the first single, it was Sex type thing. (if you were too young to actually remember this shit, then just use wikipedia)

Will you please correct the factual error in this post. The LPGA and PGA are GOLF not tennis.

A friend of mine was asking for fish cooking tips last night, your timing is impeccable. Her main concern was avoiding overly "fishy" taste, would splashing some lemon on this at the end of the sear be a good idea? infusing some garlic and/or herbs when the oil heats up, maybe? Any other suggestions about taking the

I sliced off part of my thumb once, now I use the guard or I throw out the tiny piece of food before getting too close to the blade. I might pick up some of those cut resistant kitchen gloves...

covered then broil?

Hmm... I do usually make a mornay with thyme, garlic, nutmeg, bay leaves, ground mustard, salt and pepper then spread it over each layer, but... I do like the idea of not cooking it and dumping it over the top. I would also suggest sprinkling fresh thyme and salting/peppering each layer of potatoes. I've also cooked

made a wine/peach jam sauce and glazed the pork with a peach balsamic, rosemary, etc glaze. Is there any downside to just taking the cast iron skillet and putting that into the oven without transferring to the roasting pan?

I remember Alton Brown talking about how masa is often a key ingredient to get that background corn flavor and thickness, so he improvised with some crushed up tortillas. Well, I almost always throw in some instant polenta, sifting through my hands so it doesn't clump, and I think you guys should try it. The polenta