
Those who are annoyed by the closed-source apps can take their ice weasels back to Debian land and bite me.

I caught a mouse in my house once. He kept scurrying under the couch, then the chair... I placed towels at the bottom of each of the doors, so he couldn't run under. Long story — short: I ended up trapping him in the corner with a towel — pressing him up against the wall. I pulled the towel back slowly to reveal

Amen, brother! Besides, jpegs are already compressed. There's very little that can be done in the way of zip compression with a jpeg.

@VagrantRadio: I agree. Handbrake is GREAT at what it does: recode video. It's not a ripper. I use it to make mkv's from DVDs ripped to a VIDEO_TS folder on my hard drive. But, you have to use something else to do the actual ripping — in my case, k9copy.


@Scytale: My understanding is that it (xbmc) does. I got my imon pad (more obscure) working fine in xbmc-live. I had to go to the command line, but it was as simple as typing:

Step one: Hiro goes back in time about five years, grabs Claire Bear, and teleports her to the moon. That way, she's never on the show to begin with and Heroes is a lot better.

I used CoolEdit (now known as Adobe Audition) to generate a pink noise file that I loop through my headphones when the coworkers get chatty and I need to concentrate. Pretty geeky, eh? It works, but it kind of makes me sleepy.

The phone looks awesome, and I want one. Unfortunately, I'm currently a family plan T-Mobile customer (out of contract) and the only plan available with the N1 is an individual plan. Why? What's the rationale? They're alienating a large group of potential buyers here.

@DisposableInterloper: Well, duh. But, that's not what I'm talking about. I like 4:3 (1600x1200) better than 16:9 (1600x900 or 1680x1050). More vertical means more lines of code/less scrolling. Also, having two 4:3's side-by-side is more practical than two 16:9's for the reason of desk space.

For me, it's pixels. If a larger screen doesn't give me more real estate, I'd rather have another screen instead.

Dangit, it got slashdo... I mean lifehackered.

Heart Breakerrrr..

@jokono: BTW, XBMC 9.11 Beta 2 is available as of yesterday. I'll be trying it tonight. Yay!

Until last week, I had a Dish Network (I know, not my ISP, but kinda the same story) subscription for their "family" package for something like $25/month. I found that I hadn't really been using it for the last year, so I called to cancel. They practically begged me to stay with them and even offered the same

@tineras: Disagree. It was funny in Office Space, and it remains so today.

@anniekate76: I don't think it's cruel — maybe a little simplistic. The body does seem to compensate by lowering the apparent energy level — a feeling. But, this is simply the adjustment of burning fat instead of sugar. In reality, the body cannot "conserve" energy — you will still burn the same number of calories

@mattycakes: Unless you're using a proxy, all peer-to-peer transactions require your peers to have your IP address.

Good pointer, and a surface scan can definitely reveal problems. But, because surface scans take such a long time, I would suggest a memory test as a FIRST place to start. Memtest86+ is great, free, and will find memory problems fast.