@Phuong Nguyen: Totally agree. For all the trouble and cost of buying a flint, cooking fuel, etc., you could just buy like a ten pack of lighters. #diy
@Phuong Nguyen: Totally agree. For all the trouble and cost of buying a flint, cooking fuel, etc., you could just buy like a ten pack of lighters. #diy
I've been running the beta for a while. I was annoyed, at first, that it consolidated all of my inboxes into one big inbox without asking me. 2.x at least gave the option up front. But, after using it for a coupla weeks, I likes it. #thunderbird
Detailed? Well, I didn't see and macros for whale blubber slicks or fiery clown heads. It could happen. #insurance
@Mario Awad: Maybe. If I tell you a Pollock joke, am I encouraging thick-headedness and the over-engineering of solutions to common problems?
@MePerson: I'll second that. For me, open source isn't necessarily about the ability to edit/add features. I just feel more comfortable installing OSS, because I believe there's less of a chance that some other program (read: crapware, spyware, etc.) will hitch a ride.
Lunch is over. I really should be working right now, instead of... this. But hey, it's Frid #openthread
Where have all the roll models gone? #typewriter
Another "Me too" here. [google.com] is my home page. My search box goes to Wikipedia.
@drmaybe: Me.
@RoFLKOPTr: In what sense? The graphical boot borrows from Fedora, and the app store borrows from Lindows (remember them?)
@das7002: I'm also glad to see Linux success, but I disagree with your "abolishing" statement. I just want the proprietary nature of Windows (and any other OS) to go away. I'm all for open standards for protocols, file formats, etc. Windows and OSX are fine systems. But, wouldn't it be better if they all worked…
@GoPadge: I still have a PVR 508 in use. The nice thing is that Dish, over the years, has upgraded the firmware and made interface improvements along the way. Adding features, without additional cost, is a rarity — especially for such an old (6 years now) platform.
@steveand: I know, totally. I mean, if you don't already know what a Whopper looks like, you shouldn't even be at BK. Am I right?
@jokono: Dangit. This is what happens when I try to get all Bill Nye-y. I meant 2.45 billion cycles/second for the freq. of microwave ovens.
@tictechtoe: The wavelength is about 4.5 inches or 12 centimeters.
@Manutdfan539: I used a 1 gig Sandisk without any problem. I also used a kingston 1 gig microSD (in an adapter) on my brother's Wii without issue.