
Show no picture.

That’s what I was thinking, that there is always, always, always going to be bias at play in the choice of the photo to run. I would really like it if there was a standard method that could help guide media outlets towards picking as neutral a photo as possible, and your guidelines seem pretty reasonable. I’d almost

Even more sad: I’m about to go to work.

It’s Thanksgiving.

What completely bias-free method would you recommend for selecting a picture of a victim?

I really, honestly, feel like the majority of the audience doesn’t actually realize they are being manipulated.

I really, honestly, feel like the majority of the audience doesn’t actually realize they are being manipulated.

Do you always skip the first sentence when you read stuff?

Showing a more recent photo of James doesn’t make his shooting any more justified. He literally looks like a baby in the photo most of the press is using.

The shaming tone attracts trolls, too.

you’re speaking to someone who actually volunteered on tribal lands. not give money, not post on message boards, not sharing stuff on facebook, but actually went in person and gave time to that community. i know what it’s like on reservations in south dakota. it’s depressing as fuck.

Welcome to, where good is the enemy of perfect. Keeping America great!

i·den·ti·ty pol·i·tics

the only reason you’re suddenly concerned about Indians is because you saw it on your Facebook.

the left has already moved past jezebels toxic brand of idpol. they’ll be left with no party but at least they’ll have their ‘I’m still with her’ shirts to remember the good times

Could do with a bit less shaming tone. It’s not like native peoples getting fucked in this country is new.

“Your White, Liberal Thanksgiving Better Come with a Hearty Donation to the Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters”

Now playing

It is true that mostly the Masters of the Universe are white dudes.

Sorry, I have limited funds to donate, and I chose to donate to a local community shelter that will directly help those in my community.

I am all for offering a suggestion of some way to support those who are doing good work and making sacrificing for the betterment of others. While I make regular charitable donations, I could do better, no doubt.