
If the guys is a cheater and you want to protest, why compete with him? If you want to make a stand don’t compete otherwise do not complain when you lose. It makes no sense your mad that he is cheating and competing with him. Do not compete and wait for him to get caught.

Irving realizes he is not that good, and he is trying to think he can just pick a good team to go on. Lebron will block him from coming to LA because he is a bad teammate. Bron, Davis, and obviously KD, is more than enough fire power. Let that big mouth loser go to the knicks and take over that pathetic team.

he took 32 shots. what the hell is dantonio doing? harden is so garbage he cares only about his stats.

Playing baseball for five months doesn’t mean you DESERVE 300 million dollars. No one playing sports deserves that, the owners are being smarter and not falling for their agents bullshit. I was saying this a long time ago.

if im the steelers, i would let conner play ( which he will) and see what happens. if he does ok, they should tell bell and  sit your ass at home and you are not getting nothing. and then if he does come back look to trade him but to the browns or some crappy team ( jets maybe). and let them pay your over paid ass.

Serena has a history of being a selfish bitch. she was getting beat and started acting like it was the umpire fault. play your game and shut up. she is never humble and she always plays the victim. maybe its questionable the violations but you were getting outplayed and you wanted to bring the attention so tomorrow

somehow everyone is dismissing the fact this wasnt the fist time he is asked this question. its like you think he is going to answer right after the game. blame the dumb reporters asking him a question like that. he doesnt know  who he is going to pick,  why do you keep asking him after he keeps responding he doesnt

How is it no one sees the big picture here. He failed to his job. Mack should of did his job and not listen to his agent and act like a greedy asshole saying i want extension when you still have a year left. why are you bringing drama to the team.  you have a good situation, and you were the captain of the team and

you want to get paid nba money but dont have nearly the revenue the nba makes. nba probably makes more money in a day then wnba make in a season. also if they are so mad get a real job and stop complaining. i dont understand why people are comparing. everyone around the world knows LBJ. im pretty sure 99% of americans

I have yet to understand why is Urban Meyer the guy that everyone is looking at. Why didnt Courntey go to police and have him arrested? Was it Urban fault for not calling police? I am confused because its like his job is to be a witness or get involved. She apparently called the police and the police have to take

i dont think cejudo dominated dj at all. he did alot better than before, also he did alot better than anyone else. however dj was still battling on a broken foot. dj didnt look sharp at all and maybe thats the reason. but its good to lose sometimes, it takes a lot of pressure off of you. i hope they give him a rematch

so i am a little confused on what urban meyer was supposed to have done. if the police knew because she had a restraining order, and he was still hitting her shouldnt the woman call the police and have him arrested. if urban fires him what is going to stop him from beating his wife. also was it urban’s job to call the

i am in no way defending Dana White, because he is really doing a piss poor job, but lets get the facts right. Colby didnt want to fight in september he wanted to wait till the new york card. colby cant be demanding anything and shouldnt be.  also dana made it clear recently that when you are offered a fight you

Anyone care to share the evidence of the collusion? i still cant find it after numerous minutes of searching. mueller has been at this for two years almost. and so far nothing, except for 12 russians who clearly putin is going to deny they worked for him. is there any real concrete evidence?

Isn’t Wal-Mart notorious for destroying communities by employing low wage workers and makijng sure to keep them on food stamps. Also the owners of Wal-Mart are very bad people when you look at their political partners

is fifth round pick to low. i mean talib is pretty good player so i am confused why broncos took fifth round. i am a raiders fan so i am happy but this seems fishy to me.

I think the UFC isnt really isnt pushing anyone except the same handful fighters. Plus the UFC should have really looked into the steroid thing. These idiots should of checked out the fact that 90 percent of their top guys are on the stuff. And they are all getting popped. I say just make one big card a month and have

Lets just hope there is a fight. Last year it was a Friday, Jones got popped. I am not saying he is on steroids, because he is not that stupid. I am really hoping they can get to the weigh-ins without incident. Because after the weigh-ins then i think the fight is pretty much a lock right?