
ernie was super pissed about this on the broadcast. why do people get so mad about this?

it’s nowhere to be found on the espn nba page

i took a year off from twitter after a guy told me science saved me when god wanted me dead after reading my bio (i had cancer twice). he also let me know he wished cancer upon me once more.

i’m surprised to see he had such few games/AB’s as a DH. can’t help but wonder what type of production he would have had if he wasn’t playing the field earlier in his career.

i didn’t understand how GSP could make the claim that he was a free agent. last time i checked the athlete didn’t have the right to get out of a contract just because he felt like it.

this strikes me as one of the most obvious ways in which the players, while “unified” as a union and players association are really disconnected from the idea that, while they play a violent and dangerous game, pulling stuff like this and endangering someone’s livelihood is incredibly short sighted.

i got into it on twitter last year with matt chatham who used to play for the pats and now covers them. he does really good work. but i asked that same question about why guys don’t aim for that area basically waist to thigh. he said it wasn’t possible. i agree that not on every hit can you accomplish this given the

great point!

when i was watching the game i was thinking the bloop base hit by (guy whose name i can’t remember and am too lazy to look up) may have cost the nats the game. it forced scherzer to throw, if i recall, about 15 extra pitches to get out of that inning. at 99 pitches at the time of the home run i can’t help but think if


1) i love watching mighty mouse fight. i wish there was better competition to challenge him bc i’d love to see his full arsenal of skills on display in a single fight. maybe he’ll go to ‘35 to face dom. i’d pay to watch that. 2) at first blush the idea of watching someone play video games seemed utterly stupid then i

question for the group: even if kap’s protest isn’t about the military people are connecting dots for themselves and making it about that. so, despite the original intention if a topic becomes about something else doesn’t it really become about that even if that wasn’t the intended point? (i’m sure there’s a better

which part was the fanboy part? at the end? i thought it was pretty hysterical. i can’t believe that dude was a reporter. it looked like it was an open forum with a mix of journalists and fans.

it’s not really coming down. nate is a natural ‘55er. mcg probably is too (given his comments on how tough the cut to ‘45 is). when they fought at 170 it was really a lightweight fight without a weight cut.

of all the interesting story lines to discuss regarding ufc 205 this is what we picked?

i grew up in essex.

i can’t help but feeling that, while the displays are well intentioned, they ultimately aren’t achieving anything. if anything, the impact is negative. they’ve been viewed only to be disrespecting the military (which it’s not even a military issue) and the places any conversation is taking place is in people’s homes

my high school hoops team had a ref crew call a game after our players and fans got super rowdy. we were getting smoked and every called seemed to go the other way in a fairly egregious fashion. down about 30 with 4 minutes to go we put subs in and one of the kids made a crack after we got a call in our favor. the ref

that’s a good point. if they aren’t going to toss or suspend a guy the 15 yards is worth it to the defense to ring someone’s bell.

somewhere harvey updyke is smiling #freeupdyke