
a lot of times the KO is like a flash... guys will go out and a second contact with seemingly awaken them. it’s a mirage, though, b/c you’re still pretty much on auto pilot. it was clear after the stoppage that aldo had no idea what was going on or what had happened.

this was written in such a way that suggests the ufc simply decides who are going to be stars and the fans have very little say. i believe the relationship goes hand in hand. the ufc can promote a fighter but they will only become a star if they are good and the fans respond to them. i feel like this article is really

this guy is just so fucking annoying

fwiw, the button doesn’t actually say “don’t press send.”

bob rotella often talks about how golfers become obsessed with finding the perfect swing. he used harrington as an example. he was able to win a major with his swing and game and after he won immediately did a complete re-build. i’d love to know more about this phenomenon and why tiger left butch after the success

alan, just added your book to my cart on amazon and look forward to reading it. there was recently an article on how fantastic the second season of fargo is. i agreed. i love the show. curious to get your take. thanks.

i was thinking the same thing; most of the media are asshats. i think boston does have a good pool of writers, though, that cover the team even though they are mostly patriots honks. hurley, kyed, howe, paulie p, reiss and a few others all do good jobs. i just don’t understand why people don’t understand the media is

i love this guy.

pats fan chiming in: i didn’t think it was a dirty hit. looked to me like he was really going for the midsection/thigh area and the way it developed ended up hitting him (i think with his back or back of his shoulder) in the knee.

i didn’t read the article entirely but yes, kobe, please go fuck off.

you know what sucks as a pats fan? the fact that, no matter what, we’re not allowed to go “hey, we’re getting fucked here!”

people may poke fun but i applaud the nhl for being willing to (even if by necessity) try something new and different and evolve the game.

when i was in college i played a ton of NHL on playstation (i think 2 at that time). my buddy and i would get drunk and do playoffs with our favorite teams; the bruins and the avs. as the bruins we’d always run into montreal in the eastern conf finals and lose because radek bonk was UNSTOPPABLE! it was absurd. fuck

these types of moments are pretty special. i remember watching the bruins following the marathon bombing when renee rancourt was overtaken by the crowd at the garden. i was at fenway a few days later after they caught the younger brother and the crowd there did the same. it was pretty moving. i probably lack the

does the photo correspond to the players accused to have been involved? that seems unfair to them if it’s not.

from a purely fight standpoint i disagree with those who say ronda wasn’t exposed. she 100% was. she had holes in her game that holm was a bad match up for. holly had the tools and was able to execute a gameplan taking advantage of ronda’s weakness (both physical and mental). that’s being exposed.

i’m with you on this one. i think the season of TUF w/ tate sort of put me over the edge when deciding who to root for. i felt she was petulant, obnoxious and generally couldn’t take a joke.

also, why is everyone acting like rousey is a victim of the “external” distractions. sorry, honey. you having an affair with a married man and having to deal with it is self-inflicted. no sympathy for that.

a few comments: first, i think rousey is a total jackass. her petulance and immaturity were on full display during her season coaching TUF opposite Tate. she appears, to me, to have the emotional IQ of a 13 year old dying for attention and approval under the guise of not caring what anyone thinks and retaliating

i LOL’d