
so, mort can figure out twitter enough to be able to tweet all the information he sees fit but when he needs to retract or change something that’s pretty fucking important he’s suddenly a confused old man who can’t figure out the internet?

i wonder if diego sanchez gets a cut of “yes!”

i think if conor can stuff the early takedown attempts it will be game over. my concern for mcgregor is that he falls in love with his spinning techniques like he did against siver where he was kicking over his head. i think if he does that against mendes he’ll make him pay and conor will be in trouble. nice

i think it’s worth noting that the boring final two rounds against holloway was due to the acl injury he suffered. that should’ve been pointed out.

please sink.

we need a good GM in boston. this man shouldn’t have a hard time finding a job.

boy, you sound like a lot of fun

as far as the greens go i think the players beef is 100% legit. the fact that rory made a 72 footer doesn’t make it ok. things like what happened to snedeker shouldn’t happen in a tournament on this magnitude. the greens sucked. the course, itself, seemed mostly fine. i wasn’t crazy about some of the good shots that

well, i mean, he’s basically been there a week if you really really think about it

i would encourage you to modify this. i ran take-out at outback in college. i can tell you there’s a lot of heartburn that goes into preparing those orders.

similar to your question on underwear i believe this brand, tommy john, will be overlooked. not due to quality but due to the fact that the price for a single boxer or undershirt makes them somewhat prohibitive. it’s like 30 bucks for a single item.

similar to your question on underwear i believe this brand, tommy john, will be overlooked. not due to quality but

while we’re on this topic (and i know many won’t either care or be familiar) but there’s far to many “pitbulls” in MMA. i think fighters should have to fight one another for the rights to use any duplicate nickname.

baseball: implement technology to remove the need for umpires calling balls and strikes. the technology exists. why not use it to eliminate the subjectivity of the strike zone?

did they ever find that guy who disappeared riding on a dirt bike?

i feel like this is going to go really under-appreciated.

i wanna know who the fucking people are that love it


lenny clarke would be a better fit than james

what i don’t understand is how the league justified the penalties against the team. if the wells report exonerated the team in their role then how can you justify the severe penalties? was that solely for the claim that they didn’t cooperate?

this was a question i had: i too am a pats fan and assume that there was probably some tom-foolery involved. however, i don’t understand how anyone can draw any legitimate conclusion about the “science” as Exponent did given the starting data is based entirely on walt anderson’s recollection of the values he recorded.