
when the did it become acceptable/standard for guys to stand up during every "big" hand? if i'm not being a total prick i guess i can understand the final hand but as mike leach put it, fuck that, sit your ass at the table and wait 'til it's over to get up.

is he asleep in that pic??

i don't know about anyone else but the tip on using mid-stream piss seems off. i've been drug tested 3 times for new employment and each time was told to only use mid-stream as well as the times i've had to submit urine at the doctor. so, unless the firms paid to make sure i'm not on drugs by my new employer were

i'm sure i'm not the first to ask but whatever. what's happening with the giant cougar in the background of that picture?

in retrospect, it's important to note the impressive chin on the kid from boise.

i'm not a boxing buff. can someone explain to me why they fought in zaire?

how could it not be LA? maddon is a likeable guy and purports himself as a 'team' buy but he definitely loves himself. a lot. LA would be a nice ego stroke.

great heads up on the book. can't wait to read it. i picked up chael sonnen's book hoping he would share some insight into the world outside of the cage. there were some good nuggets but not the wealth of them that you know he's capable of. i love learning about the part of sport we don't see on TV.

i love bayless with the "correct me if i'm wrong" like he doesn't know exactly what fucking shoe company he was signed to and stephen a dismissing it like he's too busy knowing more important shit to not know it.

aside from the obvious question of "what the fuck are those they wearing" begs the question: WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY WEARING?!

for no other reason than to have no reason to show that horse face of his

any word on the condition of that dude? he's not looking so hot.

how is a guy like this still employed?

this is all part of gurley's plan: set himself up through the first 1/3 of the season as the clear heisman leader then be able to shut it down knowing your draft stock won't slip one bit b/c NFL coaches and owners care far more about touchdowns and butts in the seats than 'character' concerns.

i find that hard to believe. do you think this guy is able to quantify the value, in terms of dollars in his pocket, that he was able to 'recoup' by exposing the story in this fashion at this time? as another commenter pointed out, items signed by a heisman winner (and whatever else he wins this year) would be far

great point. this guy sounds like an amateur.

ya think his mom really really wanted a girl or what?

i thought the same thing. as if having that last name isn't bad enough his parents did that to him.

amendola got "dinged" in the pats game also and didn't look like he knew where he was. needed help getting off the field. i was surprised to see him back in the game.

i think the new wild card format changes the view, somewhat, of the playoffs. the wild card play-in game isn't really making the playoffs, imo. mlb may sell it that way but i think it's junk. i'm a big beane fan and moneyball guy (or whatever baseball philosophy name you want to apply) but this can't be viewed as a