
Until proven otherwise, I’m going to assume this union was strictly transactional.

I’ve never been a big fan of hers, and she absolutely deserved to have her comeuppance, because the things she said were horrible.

The moment he turned around and said “I’ve got you ma’am” to the flight attendant melted my heart. But the rest of it was absolutely horrible. One of the saddest things about the last four years is how the ahole in chief taught Americans to openly hate each other and removed the shame that previously stopped most idiot

Y’all, I hate to bring it to your attention, but from my limited experiences out in the Real World these past few months, this sort of behavior isn’t limited to just airplanes.

The guy that intervened was having exactly none of Karen’s bullshit and good for him.

I fully support throwing the book at these fuckers, flying is unpleasant enough without these stupid assholes lashing out at the people who’s job it is to keep you safe and comfortable while you’re stuffed in a metal tube with a bunch

Probably not, but they could at least not employ children under 18.

Scary fact - after I read this article, I started to receive ads on the right-hand side of my feed from a lingerie company, with very young-looking models. In fact, the youngest-looking model was wearing the slip-dress nightgown and looked about 12-14. I’ve never heard of this company before today.

I cannot be the only one emerging from this 200% more misanthropic than I went into it. There are people I was friends with for years I barely talk to now because they supported reopening... last April. There are people who are no longer friends. 80 percent of my FB feed has been culled to the bone to get rid of idiot

Wow, I never thought I'd agree with you on something so strongly. But this is the normalization of the logic of the veil, and that is a dark, dark path. You're exactly right about this being another version of 'well, what were you wearing?'. 

This is the only thing related to Trump women that I actually support.

I understand the sentiment but at the same time, I’m a little terrified by the amount of responses here praising mask wearing even now that most of us (at least here in the US) are vaccinated or have access to vaccines. I get that men can be awful but hiding ourselves away under layers of cloth to not have to deal

“Simply put,” one woman said, “I’m sick of being perceived.”
That last part is too real.

I don’t disagree, but I can read this as someone being “random” as much as suggestive. Perhaps I’m pointing out my own inability to take them seriously more than anything. My time in the trenches of the mid-aughts internet has surely rendered me numb and unshockable.

...bands like Tramp Stamps no longer seem shocking”.  I would also have accepted “no longer seem interesting”.

It’s really not all that different, and goes back to The Beatles, really (with Pete Best being replaced by Ringo Starr at the label’s urging). point out that they appeared out of the woodwork, with a weirdly polished image and social media presence, making carefully focus-grouped “edgy” music that is neither novel nor particularly edgy....

Also the locals are working class people of color. Another reason they became “easy to forget.”

True about Jared Leto, and to be fair, I’d be pissed about Lady Gaga playing anyone I cared about but I was reading about this last night: all of the objections (from this one second cousin, by the way), and I mean ALL, are strictly about appearance. Not casting, not acting ability or the portrayal of character, just

It sucks. I passed on severance pay that I really, really needed because I had to sign a non-disparagement to get it and I KNOW how big my mouth is when I’m mad. (And I have lots of reasons to be mad about this place.) If I’d had kids, a partner or family member who needed support though, I’d have had no chance put to

he’s a literal “who” for me apart from getting banned from Japan for making fun of a suicide victim (or was that the other one?)