
I’m here to say “why not both?”, because I feel the same way about the movie you do — I own it and have watched it a thousand times. But I was *absolutely* struck by the set design from the get-go. Their cozy apartment full of beloved things...great, laughter, art, music ...juxtaposed with the

If you truly believed either of those were true, you would have linked them here. But you know they’re horseshit, so you just say it, in the hopes that no one will call you out on it, and some people will just believe you.

Yeah - that’s not George Soros. It’s a man by the name of Oscar Groening who was part of a BBC documentary series on Auschwitz-Birkenau. (It’s on Netflix and really informative - I’ve watched it) It wasn’t even a 60 minutes interview. Do you believe everything you read online?

Oprah just gave the scam artists shows and careers. I don’t like the guy, but literally nothing Rogan has done or could do is half as bad as Oprah promoting Jenny McCartheys bullshit.

Further to this morning’s story about North West and her Valentine’s Day gift from Tiffany’s, this is the Kardashian-West family giving reason number two in one day for raising the top marginal tax rate. Raising it a lot.

(3) also focuses the story back on their pain, at the accusations/consequences, rather than the pain they’re directly responsible for in other people.

For real, though. The metric system. It’s so much better and it won’t hurt a bit. Love yourselves, guys.

I’ll believe these kids have become British when they pedantically educate these “journalists” that terminology isn’t a fucking accent.

Yes. It was like he’d never touched a cat before. He just kind of dropped/flung it away. Peter Sarsgaard does not care for cats.

Did anyone notice him unceremoniously letting go of the cat mid-air? I mean, the cat seems fine, but he could have bent a little to shorten the distance to the ground a bit...

I don’t know that I would go so far as to assume they are a terrible person, but it definitely doesn’t seem like very good judgement.

Kindergartners shopping at Tiffany would make a perfect commercial for higher marginal tax rates. Much higher.

Whoever created that child’s Instagram account is a terrible person. Ugh.

This is also concerning. He’ll most likely lose his case, and get sued for every fucking cent, and yet, there will be his asshole minions who operate in the shadows, saying his conviction is all a conspiracy, and then making up shit to make people think he was wrongfully convicted.

I’m not sure it’s even that deliberate. My god, those are the absolute worst.

Yeah, I’m blown away that we even have to say “I believe her”. There is video footage of the assault. It captures, not only the actions of the predator, but her clearly denying her consent to those actions. A prosecutor literally couldn’t ask for better evidence.

I like Octavia Spencer so much I was rooting for Ma in all those scenes.  Seems like a wild ride.

This is horrific - this poor woman. I’m glad that they are bringing a suit to shine a light on the fact that they are responsible for behaviours that happen in a club. The worst thing is, I’m sure that she looked severely intoxicated, and she wasn’t approached by security...

God, when did the AVClub get infested with so many idiots

OK, fine. What an *alleged* fucking scumbag.