
It’s certainly true that being white and cis would give France significant advantages for getting funding, etc, but the fact that his prior work in the LGBT documentary space got an Oscar nomination would probably be by far his most significant advantage.

I have this same unpopular opinion, so you’re not alone. I think he’s a true rare genius as a freestyle rapper.

My favorite part was about draining the swamp cuz he’s in quicksand. Eminem is a great freestyle rapper. He should make a movie about his mad skills. I know it’s an unpopular opinion as a feminist, but I gotta give him props because I do think he’s quite talented even though some of his lyrics are terribly offensive.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m in a weird position to think about this, because a friend of mine married a guy who got arrested for possessing child porn - and she absolutely did not know about it. She didn’t know anything until the FBI woke her up raiding her house one morning. She divorced him immediately. It’s among the

“And if anyone besides me objects to this union, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.”

It was a different time. You may not know this, but in 2008, we didn’t really know it was wrong to kidnap and rape children. Just like we didn’t know it was wrong to beat women until 2014. It’s been a very busy decade for us becoming “woken” and stuff.

The people on the porch quickly dispersed. Jordan says Oliver dragged her across the house to the bathroom and threw her into the tub, threatening to urinate on her: “I started screaming at him and the noise I was making concerned him enough that he yanked me out of the tub and told me he wouldn’t if I shut up.

You know, in the eighties I had nightmares about nuclear war. These past months I kiiiiiinda learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.

Look, we can cut him in half and they can each have part. Any objections?

You know what gives me *concern*, Bob? The likelihood of cat vomit in my shoe.

The only explanation I can come up with for them protecting him is that they are all corrupt as fuck and somebody has them by the shorthairs. Or the simpler explanation, they’re just greedy dumbasses.

I’ve done the Freeze and absolutely hated myself for it. It stemmed from horrified disbelief that I was being groped and then, as it continued to happen, that nobody was doing anything to stop it. As you say, I had no control over the situation.

Now playing

It literally sounds to me like he is going one of those affected Spanish accents from Speedy Gonzalez cartoon era...

“Hey meester, you want to date my seester?”

Wait, really? I was addicted to that show when i was 8-10 (all my friends and I gave each other lice doing the Laura double-braids). I am old too, but I don’t remember her. Though to be fair, even my tiny self couldn’t stomach the show after Mary got un-blinded and the Ingalls just started collecting random stray

Pretty sure she was fired. I believe the cause of firing was that she couldn’t get along with her coworkers, most notably Alyssa Milano. I love Shannen Doherty, she’s almost always my favorite part of every series she’s in, but I think her rep for being difficult to work with is likely legit.

She is a lawyer. You don’t want her to represent Weinstein, give her more money to drop her client.

There is definitely something very strange afoot when even someone like Tillerson is willing to grovel at 45*’s feet. This isn’t some mediocre sycophant whose success is completely bound to the favour of a powerful figure. There are plenty of those in politics, but Tillerson isn’t one of them - he doesn’t need

The press conference was a spectacular response to a story that, left alone, would likely have blown over in a day or two; unhappy members of the Trump White House are neither a shocking revelation nor an unusual story. Instead, Tillerson went on television and praised the president, reaffirming his loyalty to the