
Perhaps now’s a good time to remind the likes of Lara Spencer that Tom Holland has a background in dancing and in fact played the lead in the Billy Elliot stage show... and the agility shows in his performance as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Hugh Jackman has a background in dance too, and it showed in his role as

The royal family must be over the moon with this... from the serial bashing of the Duchess of Sussex by British tabloids, to the applauding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for taking their family *and* the nanny to their family’s huge private estate because flying there commercial somehow makes them ‘normal’ or

Or maybe A$AP Rocky(‘s people) accepted the independence of Sweden’s justice system, in which court cases can’t be influenced by its own country’s members of government, let alone foreign ones...

Good point!

While it’s obvious that Simone Biles is nowhere near finished with her phenomenal gymnastics career, I’m already looking forward to MCU signing her up to play a bad-ass superhero.... if they haven’t already approached her, they really should.

Educate me further, please: Is she like Goop, but with politics?

My stomach lining’s infected, meaning I’ve been living on (mainly) wholemeal toast, natural yogurt and water for weeks now. No caffeine, no fried food, no spicy food, no ice cream, no alcohol, no fizzy drinks, no chocolate or other unhealthy snacks. I tried to treat myself to a takeaway tonight but I couldn’t: nothing

Tito will just turn his inner cognitive dissonance up to 11... 

What folks like Tito here don’t (want to?) get: Do you seriously think this guy you voted for would sincerely want to hang out with you if it weren’t for a photo opportunity?

Good grief, it really is Orwell’s Animal Farm: all pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others...

It strikes me how often people will use a “well I never had ... so why would you need it?”-type excuse. It’s in your story here, and in the story you commented on:

I’m against the death penalty, but may I suggest two life sentences instead: one for the all caps and one for the lack of punctuation.


  • Blue Ivy continues to remind all of us that we are squandering what precious sand the hourglass has given by achieving more at seven than we will achieve in a lifetime. [Elle]  Billionaire couple exploits young child

Funny, you could’ve written an almost identical article (including many of the celebrity names featured here) about DJT at some point, with lots of pictures of people proudly smiling next to him... and I know those smiling celebs didn’t endorse him to become your president, but that’s what he became... so how’s that

Seeing most modern ‘writing’ on social media, I can see why influencers tend to choose to mostly communicate through stills and video instead...

Look, I get you’re doing churnalism, not journalism, but the arrests had already been made well over a month ago, so that wasn’t the news here. The story only hit the headlines again this week because formal charges were brought and a court date was set.

Reuters, however, reports that at least 21 bodies donated to BRC were later used by the U.S. Army for blast experiments to study the effects of roadside bombs.

So pleased that Nathalie Portman’s Jane Foster gets to have a bigger role; I really hope they let Jane have more depth than “woman who is accomplished scientist but happens to only function in these movies as a mere love interest of our main character” which she’s been so far...

Sources connected to the case actually think intervention by the State Dept. and the President — who essentially said he would guarantee bail if they would release Rocky — could actually BACKFIRE. [...] The Swedish Prime Minister as much as said so Saturday