
Ah, right, in that way; yes, good point... bit like Heidi Klum at the Grammys: I’m sure they’re all lovely people but I’m not quite sure what they’re doing at these events, other than use the red carpet as a catwalk.

Do you reckon they get paid for their appearances (and if so by whom? event organisers? designers

Here I was thinking “Galentine’s” was some stupidly tone-deaf campaign by marketers who think feminism equals misandry, and then I saw that it’s actually catching on with quite a few females on social media, so maybe I’m wrong here... but no, thanks, I’ll pass.

In what way do you mean? I don’t know Camilla Belle but Alexa Chung is a model turned TV-presenter and fashion designer.

Do the organisers of these award ceremonies make special seating arrangements to allow for wide sleeves, long trains and the like? Or do some of these stars have a wardrobe change between red carpet and sitting down to attend the ceremony?

Serious questions (and excuse my ignorance if these comes across as a stupid): What is the relevance of any awards show other than trying to boost an industry at a time of year when sales of their products would otherwise be low? Do artists need the actual recognition of industry awards when true recognition, surely,

Perhaps the brilliance of his autobiography lies in the fact that it appears to serve like a defence for every situation that might raise eyebrows; it’s like he either anticipated those raised eyebrows when he told his stories to ghostwriter Larry Sloman, or that said ghostwriter (with or without legal counsel) knew

After Brock Turner getting off lightly and Brett Kavanaugh making it into the Supreme Court this shouldn’t surprise us... but it should disgust us no less and we really have to keep harping on about this until the message gets through and men like Turner, Kavanaugh, Soden and Gibbens no longer get a free pass.

Raymond Soden had admitted in his plea that he knew one of the girls was 13-years-old when he messaged her and had prior criminal convictions for battery and sexual battery.

1980s new romantic <3

Elle Fanning has always struck me as superbly and astonishingly talented, and all that from such a young age. This trailer just doesn’t appeal to me at all...let’s hope it’s just because it’s only a short trailer and/or for a film that isn’t aimed at me (so not my cup of tea), and not because the stupendously talented

I don’t need to know what transpired between Dave Chappelle and Pete Davidson and am grateful that Dave Chapelle didn’t go around HEY LOOK EVERYONE TAKE NOTICE OF WHAT I AM DOING HERE but instead just was there for and with Pete Davidson without making a public song and dance about it. That’s awesome beyond words.

Never mind anyone’s (non-)wedding, can we please do away with this sick modern fashion of stupidly rich people paying crazy money to look like they can’t afford clothes, razors, hair cuts and so on?

Wait, what? Nikki Haley is not her real name?

He claims he paid it back with his winnings, although he doesn’t say how much he won. What if his ‘winnings’ on the night were, say... ‘negative winnings’?

Indeed - and also, it was unbelievably hot that day, un-English weather, 37ºC/99ºF, I don’t think we ever had temperatures this high in this country, yet Ms Berry remained appearing as flawless as ever.

That last bit of your sentence... that’s exactly what kept them human and genuine to me... they seemed so real... I miss them a lot yet I hope they are having the time of their lives now, they so deserve that.

Now playing

It already happened... let me find the video for you...

Unfortunately, in the age of churnalism, professional journalists are paid to do the same thing Albrecht is doing. Professional writers just usually attribute the original article that collected the quotes.

I have it on good authority that both Rick Astley and Mary Berry are thoroughly likeable and personable individuals to meet in person, so it’s a lovely thought that they got together and got on. It’s not quite Foo-Fighters-playing-NGGYU-with-Rick-Astley-live-on-stage awesome, but awesome nonetheless.