
I successfully wrested myself from the Waterstones at Trafalgar Square only to get sucked into Hatchards, which has been in business since 1797

Here’s hoping any such documentary works out exactly the way ‘Weiner’ did: he let the cameras in thinking he would redeem himself, and yet ended up recording his downfall. Sublime documentary.

No one would have called 17-year-old me ‘sweet’ or ‘quiet’ but aside from that I would have totally fit the same picture of the loner who at times got bullied. I totally would have been the type to have worn a ‘Born to Kill’ t-shirt. However:

In days gone by, this kind of behaviour would be the end of someone’s career. But this is 2018 and I’m thinking he’ll probably get hired by orange 45 and/or his fans now, opening new doors for him before any previous ones have even shut.

In an interview I read with a long-time journalist/TV host, he said that, generally speaking, one of the secrets to super stars achieving longevity in their careers is that “they’re nice people” - which I’d love to believe to be true, but then again, I’ve met a number of once/then-famous people who were talented as

I’m not sure I like either the question or the answer, but thank goodness there are still interviewers who dare to ask critical questions and interviewees who aren’t afraid to face - and answer - those questions.

I honestly thought Black Swan was going to be her big comeback - she was superb in that... but then no one seemed to hire her again.

Get her checked for kennel cough, not uncommon and thankfully very treatable. And yes, raising a puppy is a lot! Savour those precious moments puppy sleeps...

No crafting here, and if there was, I wouldn’t be posting pictures because nothing compares to that beautifully crafted little human <3

I’m thinking a boy named Henry, which is Prince Harry’s actual birth name. And I reckon he could grow up to be the badass paparazzi-punching, nazi-uniform-donning, stripping prince his uncle once was, just without the ‘who’s your daddy’ hoo hah.

I’m so sorry you and your wife had to go through that, I can’t even begin to imagine how harrowing it must have been — even with the happy ending.

That sounds a great approach, so much so I’m going to save it and probably stick it in a place where I get reminded of it daily.

Exactly, none of these people get to opt out of any of the detail and I doubt watching any amount of fictional horror, blood etc can desensitise you enough to cope with that. And I can understand that perhaps mental health care during a trial might prejudice that trial, but I really hope/wish it will be available to

For anyone of incompetence, the current president may be the only one who can give you a shot at obtaining a position of power. That’s the only reason I can think of that all these people want to serve in his government.

Thanks for the long article; I can’t imagine how gruelling this must have been for jurors, court reporters and journalists, let alone the families involved/affected.

Officials attribute this to the advent of sex-selective technology in the last 30 years, which is now banned but still in widespread practice.

“My friend writer Aminatou Sow”...

If it weren’t for the personal branding with the logo featuring her name, I might take Creasy’s campaign a lot more seriously. Call me a sinister bitch but it just shouts “Hey look at ME supporting this cause!” when it should be shouting “Hey pay attention to this important cause!” and now I just want it to go away

As interesting as Molly Ringwald’s essay is to read, I worry we’ve reached a tipping point here into overanalysing just about everything and anything here, inflating a serious subject like #MeToo into just the next slacktivists’ cause celebre, because, hey, we’re all adults now and we got smart and all that and we