
Why only audit the men, here? Since it’s okay to call out Justin Timberlake on his collaboration with Woody Allen (though that’s easy to do in a post-event piece), why did no interviewer ask dressed-in-black Meryl Streep if she would still defend Roman Polanski as vehemently and passionately as she has done in the

I presume you mean king rather than prince, but yes, you’re right, that’s exactly what he’d do. He’s the annoying kid you didn’t invite to your birthday party in primary school, who would make a point of saying they “wouldn’t want to come to your stupid party anyway”

Obama at Harry and Meghan’s wedding probably won’t happen (prepare for some official quoting ‘security reasons’ or something), but for now the thought that there might be an invite for the former and not for the current president of the USA does add to Harry’s awesomeness in choosing a path in life that breaks with

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! (Except you Harvey, and all your wicked conspirators - I’m glad it’s going slowly - you don’t deserve a bullet)

‘In awe’ and ‘reeling’ given total new meanings here. And there was me thinking it was just botox making it impossible to read people’s facial expressions.

Every election is always followed by books. Memoirs to settle scores, particularly by those who (felt they) lost (out).

She sounds awesome.

I don’t know if you’re in a minority, but I suspect you are not.

Now playing

Say what you will about Russians, but at least they made no secret about touching up women:

Bean, for her part, testified that she doesn’t even remember for father, but thanks to people like Lee, she “has had to deal with the trauma of his death her entire life.”

Whatever. Even filing a lawsuit generates attention, which is a purpose in itself. I honestly don’t believe anything any of these people does that we hear/read about is ever genuine or sincere.

Funny how SNL got shredded for not jumping on Weinstein soon enough and now Corden’s getting roasted for doing it ‘too soon’. Comedians can’t win this one, then.

Okay, that’s the end, then, of Harvey Weinstein, but who’s next and what will they do with him/her? I mean, I don’t see much of a difference between Weinstein and Trump in terms of allegations, but one got voted president and the other one vilified. And I’m unwilling to believe they’re the only abusers of

Bobby Finger: Watching car-crash TV so you don’t have to.

I am “so over the hate” I am going to dedicate another gazillion tweets to it.

Beef? Pork!

To be pardoned by the President, soon, no doubt.

“I have been blunt with Harvey and he has listened to me”

Other reports suggest this wasn’t just a (wannabe) model who got lured to Italy, but that she’s an established model who got sent out there by her modelling agency... I can’t wait to find out how they got fooled into sending her out to this non-existing modelling job...

Getting things pre-measured means I don’t have to throw out produce because it goes bad before I can eat it