
Time to re-write the national anthem. “The land of the free and the home of the brave” doesn’t seem quite so appropriate with a government restricting press freedom and press rolling over (saying you disagree but then still attending and sticking to the rules = rolling over).

Anytime I a see reports starting “The President tweeted...” or words to that effect, the image that enters my head is that of a toddler strapped up in a highchair who is handed a smartphone to play with while the TV is blaring, as the responsible adults in the room know that’s probably not the most sensible thing to


What happened to me has never happened to anyone in the history of this great country

I’d imagine that many people who weren’t there but live/work/play in the area are struggling to make sense of this. I like the idea of reclaiming a concert in the city and showing they aren’t afraid

I’m not into her music, but my goodness I feel for her. I can’t even begin to imagine her trauma right now.

Not long after the Bataclan attack the Eagles of Death Metal appeared in an interview, visibly broken and messed up to the extent I felt guilty for watching, wished their people had whisked them away to recover

Literally every global leader shown would rather be with Obama.

They began as a scripted reality TV show, i.e. manufactured drama, when real drama started happening... having only ever seen snippets of the show, I wonder: Does the real drama simply not appeal as much as the manufactured drama did? Or is there an element of ‘the boy who cried wolf’ here: before, big drama was

in my exit interview I made sure to point out that disparagement of a former employee to other employers is grounds for an easy civil lawsuit.

“Whenever I talk about working for Nancy, people ask me why I put up with it all. I tell them I was 23. I didn’t know how to stand up for myself to an employer, and I didn’t quite realize I could.”

Oh great, the non-skinny actress of the bunch gets to play a character whose weight is going to kill a guy... because that’s funny! LOL! /sarcasm

It’s true that there’s always been the expression “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” — which I hate as it’s so commonly abused to smother criticism — but it seems nowadays more than, say, twenty years ago, if you challenge someone’s opinion or express disagreement, however respectful, you’ll

The woman said she tried to break things off multiple times, but was unable to. “He never accepted that I was really done, so there were several times where I tried to break up the relationship, but he’s my boss,” she said. “I have to talk to him every day, I have to answer his emails, I have to tweet at him. I have

Wow. I never knew that bit. Thanks.

I loved my father because he was my father and his passing would not have been any less difficult had he been a good father.

Wasn’t he in Misery Loves Company, that other movie about comedy?

If she was on the treadmill while sending that message, I’m guessing the message was dictated, not personally hand-typed and sent while walking or running on the treadmill. Unless she is a superhuman. I have trouble just zapping through music while on a treadmill at slow walking pace.

It’s not even now that he admits it, the interview is from three years ago... and I realise it only went out in a tiny country but it’s funny how it’s taken all this time to go viral.

Had my daddy had enough money to pay me through cosmetic surgery, I totally would have gone for it. So if she did, I can’t really blame her.

All that, and the daily “is he going home yet?” stories being pushed... what if hospital is the best place to be for someone and we go full media blackout until he’s in a better place?