
40 next month, can’t remember for sure (morphine’s done that) but think I’ve had three or four laps (more hospitalisations but not always with surgery). Mirena has stopped endo from ‘growing’ and has been a blessing for me; Prostap did me more harm than good. My body’s now acting as if it could be entering early-ish

I don’t know if it matters what kind of tea, I think it’s more about the water you drink than what tea infusion you put in the water? And then still, it only eases bloating originating in my stomach from the meds. (Natural yogurt helps me against that type of bloating to) The endo-related bloating originates in the

If I drink a bucket of tea for every opiate painkiller I take in a day, the bloating from meds is limited to none. But yes, then there’s still endo which can blow up your belly to such proportions that people start inquiring about your ‘pregnancy’ (had one of those days today - ugh)

The bloating alone can make one or two dress sizes difference...

Opiate painkillers definitely used to give me a ‘high’ when I first started using them years ago (nowadays my body is used to them) but it was never a pleasant high so I wouldn’t recommend. My first ever intravenous morphine and diamorphine shots gave me quick rushes but, again, none of them pleasant, and after the

“...and her belief that she has been hard done by.” Can’t wait to hear that line of argument

Generally speaking, Spotify is more of a social medium for me than a music service: I see what friends are listening to and if it’s something I haven’t heard of, I’ll give it a listen; if it’s really good, I’ll end up buying it on iTunes because streaming doesn’t work as flawless as downloads, certainly not when

While married, I had an ectopic pregnancy followed by miscarriage, resulting in me having endometriosis. My husband freaked out – if I had really bad flare-ups and would be crying or passing out in pain, he would leave the house because he “couldn’t take it”; the more I suffered, the needier he became. One time I had

She arranged this on Facebook and no one called the relevant authorities when she did?

I will never understand girls/women adopting the drag queen look; it only looks fabulous on drag queens.

Had a similar experience some months ago in London. Thankfully an alert London cabbie figured out what was going out and pretended he knew me & was there to pick me up, so the creepy guy walked off. I felt so guilty that I was skint at the time (should have tipped the cabbie) and that didn’t take down his badge number

No joke: A headscarf may suffice (it does in London)

Not true in relation to Paris/France, they had waves of immigration from their former colonies since the 1950s.

Months ago I had my first date in forever and then very shortly before the actual date he found out I had a cat, so he messaged me to please wear something that wasn’t covered in cat hair because he was severely allergic (as in: allergic reactions that could potentially put him in hospital). He was (and still is) a

Oh wow. I never even knew that women had been banned from marathons and the like. Wow.

Awesome! If she were my daughter, my head would be so big I couldn’t physically leave the house... amazing for any teen to go through this and even just manage to graduate high school, I would think.

I’ve got two:

How old is this child?! They’re writing about what “he would like to have” but he’s still on formula?! Is any child still on formula by their first birthday? Or are they celebrating “baby’s 4th month, hooray!”

I get that, but when the house was full of enough stuff for the kids already, my friends would just ask me not to bring any presents. Each and every one of them. Also, they wanted their children to learn that visitors don’t always bring “stuff”, that someone coming for a visit or a play date is nice and thoughtful and