
Two ladies giving side eye on either side of him, it seems...

Chatterbox cats rule. This was Keith's "I NEED DINNER! MAKE ME DINNER!" meow so naturally his most forceful of deliveries.

By Chuck Johnson's standards, watching all CSI box sets could make you a forensics expert.

Keith approves:

Readers in the UK can use the Food Standards Agency's website or app.

Personally I will never ask anyone "Don't you think it's selfish to have children?" because I think it would be rather offensive, so why some think it's okay the other way... beats me.

[insert smart-ar$e Cry Me A River reference here]


Or she could have just left out the (true/made-up details) about him and prevented any right-wing b*****d from guessing and pointing out someone, possibly the wrong person. If she wanted it to be about HER, why even focus on him?

Not just the one conclusion. Yes, f**k Breitbart, but another conclusion might be that you cannot overshare (about others) all on your own terms without (unpleasant) scrutiny.

Is she really not media savvy enough to know that if you make something public that folk – including unpleasant ones – might investigate the story? Did no one advise her to change or leave out details that would have kept the narrative at her ordeal and exposing her shame?

I think the key is not to mimic it or make it into something different to suit your purpose. So you're a fan of [insert culture] and you want to incorporate it into your performance. Get an established performer or group of performers from that culture and work with them, by all means, like a proper collaboration and

I use Spotflux whenever I use public WiFi and that always gives me a US IP address, so I may use that to watch these... just thought the message they give you is at least original :)

None of these videos are available to watch from the UK, unfortunately...

If that were a restaurant near where I lived, I'd favour it over others because of this.

When I was a wee young one (4) I insisted my mother and grandmother put Rudolph in the Nativity Set. Growing up he was always included. Who else kept the light on to help the Little Drummer Boy and the 3 Wise Men to find the manger? Rudolph.

Wow. That video educated me. Thanks.

Here at Jezebel HQ, tiaras are required at all times. Even when we're pooping and even if we're working remotely.

I imagine the goal was to show the disparity between the way black and white people are treated by the police in America, although I'm not sure we needed that spelled out

Why do woman/girls actually want to be candidates on a degrading meat market TV show like this? No self-respect? I mean, this is a hundred times worse than beauty pageants, surely?