
You had best believe his publicist won't let that happen again.

Swift says. "It just seems more difficult to be a woman in music and to grow older. I just really hope that I will choose to do it as gracefully as possible."

Is the Canadian legal system built on the same principles as the UK one?

Both Kim and Saartjie chose fame as a profession.

comparing her to kim kardashian in this cavalier, generalized manner seems like so reductive it actually hurts a little

It's easy to make fun of Kim Kardashian. It's easy to feel enraged by the likes of Jen Selter, making bank for her big booty by virtue of being white. It's harder to understand that, for the women who are capitalizing on their bodies, they are already handling themselves with care. They are already asserting a

So maybe it's time for her to retire it? And hopefully a black musician will do a really, really, really good cover, because, again, it's a great song.

I think I get what you're feeling there. I saw her perform live in London in 2007 and it was superb, but when she started on that song by sitting on the edge of the stage, pulling the black security guy standing there towards her and sort of caressing him (sorry I don't have a better way of describing it)... it felt

Can you avoid or limit the sexual imagery, though? I mean, you can teach children to prevent them from being mislead by commercial or sexual imagery, but when they're constantly flooded by such imagery – which I feel is what's happening these days more so than years ago, have you any chance? The Dutch proverb "mopping

The sad thing is that Matt Taylor actually had an interesting story to tell about this phenomenal project. Then you can blame him for distracting you due to his choice of shirt, or yourself for allowing to be distracted.

As if either model would be making this a consideration of idealist ideas or ethics or feminism or whatever. Hell, it may not even be their own decision, but that of their agents or managers or whoever else takes a percentage. It's about who pays best, not just for this one appearance, but also in respect of or which

Are my memories of childhood overly romantic or is it just a hundred times harder to raise children these days amidst this apparently sex-obsessed media and advertising culture? I'm not saying it didn't exist 25 years ago, because it did, but perhaps not as much and with a culture where you were still a cool kid if

I never get people in positions of authority doing this sh*t; I don't know what it's like in the US but my experience in the UK and Europe has been that it leads to not-very-clever people to blame the wrong people, e.g. folks blaming Muslims because some non-Muslim fool somewhere decided to remove the name Christmas

As someone who grew up utterly loving the Cosby Show and being positively influenced by it, I am no longer proud of admitting that because of the allegations against Bill Cosby. Does anyone else here feel like that? If so, how do you handle that; is there a way of marrying up your love of that TVshow and what good it

At the risk of starting international conflict: which are nicer, American biscuits or Yorkshire puddings?

This look screams sophistication, I love it!

Who in her entourage ever decided she needed cosmetic surgery and now determines she even needs photoshopping? Also, why the filters to make her skin appear lighter?

If we're going to let fear mongering rule our logic, let's not have children go to church... or school for that matter. And keep teenage girls well away from English towns with Asian-looking males.