
Because I have no desire to read the entire book, may I ask a question? It's this: In the wider context in which Dunham writes "This was within the spectrum of things I did" how should I perceive that line? As a normalisation or justification of (possibly abnormal) behaviour or... how? Because in the context given

Never thought I'd go publicly defending Madonna, but I will here. It's complicated. What an addict's loved ones consider support may be significantly different from what the addict would consider support. Helping someone off the street, if done wrongly, could end up merely enabling his or her self-destructive

TL;DR – Can anyone explain what on earth the picture is about?!

Unsurprisingly the Daily News is reporting that more conservative elements in the city have complained

I will never get this. Don't slebs have, like, "people"? And is there never ever anyone among those to gently whisper in their ear that stuff like this just isn't very clever? Or is this purposely done because negative publicity is still publicity?

So when did they pull the costume? Oct. 31st, 11.55pm?

These homes look beautiful, but if the average lifespan of a house in Japan is only 38 years, are these prefab structures made to last beyond that? And would they work in climates like the wet English one?

Please tell me Apple shares didn't drop in value after his announcement... please?

I don't know the US market or how it may be different from the UK, but I'd like to say this: the first time I heard (of) Rita Ora was when she appeared on Jools Holland's show on the BBC. Live, no trickery, and boy, she could sing!

Interesting to see that IKEA in the US charges $489 for this desk, which – according to today's exchange rates on – would be approximately £305, yet IKEA in the UK retails this desks at £465 (around $744). That's a HUGE difference! I know exchange rates fluctuate, but never this much...

Excuse my warped mind but is she now going to have to deal forever with men and women harassing her with tiring pick-up lines about how they bought the replicas of her bits and would like the opportunity to compare with the original? Could anyone sue under a trade descriptions act? Okay I'll stop now.

Good for her! – the whole point was that she would have the self-determination to die with dignity, and if she decided that was going to be on a certain date and then changed her mind about it, that's exactly the point, isn't it? That control of this lies with her and no one else.


Here's my issue: I've felt uncomfortable with designer brands using under-18s to model their adult collections, whether on a catwalk or in print. It's been an issue in the industry for years. Should we go different about it because Brooklyn's a boy and not a girl?

Is that horsist?

William is gallantly stepping in to say "ELLO MUMMY, PLEASE LET MY BISCUIT HAVE SOME MORE BED REST."

"[T]hey wrote up a report that concluded that lots of teens demonstrated a 'poor understanding' of consent."

When "a source said" that Gwyneth Paltrow (or anyone else for that matter) thought X or said Y, let's be fair and not create a headline about that person's "smugness"; to me, that's going too far, and thank goodness I'm a nobody because I'd hate to have goodness knows what attributed to me in that way (not to mention

Please don't hate me when I say that I've personally never experienced cat calls as harassment, but RAPE THREATS and the like in the comments are inexcusable.