
For me, drive improved, and sex itself became easier and more enjoyable too (before I occasionally needed KY jelly). First few months after initial insertion were hell, though, then the coil had settled in my uterus and now I'm a poster girl for Merina, that's how pleased I am. No more periods, no more PMS. Bliss!

People's loneliness can make them wilfully ignorant. They probably know their contact is fishy but they want nothing more than for it to be real. Besides, the deceiver may have issues of their own so exposing their online falsehood could set them off to do even crazier stuff online, so fear may play a role as well.

she replied saying that since it was organic, it must be OK

Why any brand still ignores plus-sizes baffles me. OK, fine, I'm not a marketing expert, but who cares whether something is 'cool' or 'hip' or whatever the word is I am supposed to use, when there's a growing market to pursue?

The same applies to brands desperate to throw off (potential) customers over a certain age

Somewhat reading my own experience in yours: had had two laparoscopies that indeed left minimal scarring, then the third one they decided during surgery itself to cut further (effectively turning it into a laparotomy, as you said). They didn't even tell me in the post-surgery chat, even though I asked why I was

If you read the emails and other communications that reportedly were her writing which came out throughout the court case, you'd be astonished that she ever made it into journalism let alone to editor. So the incompetence label in that respect isn't odd. Her talent was and is networking, connecting, befriending.

I thought a selfie that involved more people than just oneself was... a jointie? No?

Thanks for spelling out to me why I shouldn't have them... Google Glass still looks interesting to me but I would NEVER want to make anyone feel as uncomfortable as you describe there.

So hey, Jezzies, let's all unite in saying how awful it was that these sisters were raised to be exploited and then — oh look, an article about Honey Boo Boo, the "Monster Child" (not my words)... hold on... what?

You put a young child on TV, catapult her to fame, exploit her... and then you call her terrible names? Isn't she a product of her environment? So why point the finger at her when perhaps you should be pointing it towards the adults around her? I feel sorry for the girl and fear for what might happen to her next.


In Britain everybody around Jimmy Savile seemed to know what he was up to, yet let him get on with it. Now they're gasping at the extent of his abuse that's become clear since he died. No one's acknowledging their potential enabling of him and his actions at the time, though.

"Usually normal sex is done in a balanced way but some like to perform acrobatics. We will put limits and survey the players."

I don't mind the dress at all (it looks fabulous on Rihanna), but I do hope we, adults, can raise our children feel every bit as beautiful, confident and awesome even if they don't look like they could be a body double for Rihanna and a dress like hers wouldn't suit their specific body type. That's our collective

With the Sochi games raising the bar to an absurd $51 billion, hosting the Olympics no longer looks like a winning proposition.

The saddest thing is, that Jessica Simpson has always been good looking, and never appeared unhealthy, regardless of weight.

In those pictures the shoulders look disproportionally broad compared to the hips... not unusual for a male body, but it is unusual for a female build. Photoshop?

To each their own but I'm happy my husband and I chose to go 'understated'. We didn't do florists, photographers or overpriced dress, nor frills. It meant we had the money to pay for overnight accommodation for guests travelling a long way. Small print on the invites to say that the best wedding present we could wish

He was surrendered by his former owners who gave him up after a year of keeping him in a cage and barely feeding or caring for him. They weren't trying very hard — they weren't trying at all.