
And that's why medical files are generally for medical professionals' eyes only: it's not unusual for an involuntary miscarriage to be recorded in a file as 'abortion' (short for 'spontaneous abortion', the translation of the Latin term mentioned), while an abortion may be recorded as 'termination'.

Not just 'things', people too — he even made Stammy look cheap here. Shocking.

Having suffered a miscarriage, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. There was no consolation whatsoever in the fact that my pregnancy was unplanned; in fact, I felt especially hurt and insulted when people brought that up as something that should mitigate our heartbreak... so I can't imagine how crushed this lady might be

Now playing

For every Heff dating 20-year-old topless models and every rockstar dating pretty teens, there's a non-rich, non-famous dude sat on a stage at the recording of some questionable talk show getting called a pervert... Parallel worlds.

If it leads to people discussing STDs and protection more openly, I suppose that's a good thing, but nothing takes away from the negative influences SATC might have had: just like the central characters in SATC, most men and women I know tend to look at relations (however casual or serious) for what they can get out

Don't know what the score is on your side of the pond, but over here in London heterosexual men will happily engage in casual sex with any lady regardless of her hairstyle; however, the best way to rule yourself out of the dating game as a single woman would be to cut it off.

Also on Alley Einstein's website, under her 'motto': "As journalists we are in privileged positions and should never forget that". Nice to see she has integrity. *cough*

As questionable as I find the Sun newspaper, I find the claim that they "approached her" equally doubtful. In fame-obsessed Britain, I would presume they have plenty of people contacting their news desk with stories for them to have to solicit any.

So then... what was she injecting her daughter with in those images? Were those entirely faked or was she giving the girl 'pin pricks'.

I love happy endings!

@deeemer No it doesn't, you just wanted to put in a plug for your blog ;P

{insert tag} Owww Cameron you and I must be one in the same! I'd much rather get my a$$ on Oprah's studio sofa, *confide* in her (on-camera) about my poo this morning (and the fact that — #stoppress #shock #horror — I DID NOT WASH MY HANDS AFTER!) so @Oprah can tweet about it prior to it going out on air and all my

No words can express my relief that there was no such thing as the internet (or at least not commonplace) in my teenage years, 'cause there would have been so much more to feel embarrassed about. There's plenty of stuff I said, wrote and did in those days that I'd like to erase all trace of, but thankfully none of it


The DayGlo make-up across her body, her energized and unapologetic appearance, they somehow remind me of how the Red Hot Chili Peppers used to be wayyy back in the 1980s... can we be sure Ke$ha's not Anthony Kiedis' secret love child? Whether she is or not, methinks that 2011 A.D. she'd kick any (funk) daddy's a$$...