Not just an amateur asshole. Professional.

San Francisco!

The original Nyc and the San Francisco with Puck. God I am old.

Caitlyn jenner is a rich white republican who got away with murder, how is mocking her not punching up. Hell by your logic Jon Stewart punched down his entire career because he made more and influenced more people in one year on tv than the politicans he mocked did in a lifetime

It’s an astonishingly simple and effective way to troll people IRL.

In the last five minutes she made ten thousand dollars.

Hmmm these covers are okay. But could we get a blond white woman to put on some brown face and recreate them so we can truly see how beautiful these ladies are?

After a few hundred years... we got ONE shot at this presidency thing... he NAILED it. Hit it out of the park. He is the fucking ONE who got it done despite it all. Best. Pres. Ever.

I love no fucks given Obama, particularly since he is arguably the most consequential President since LBJ, and his solution to a hostile Congress has been “fine. I’ll just do it all myself.”

He has not been perfect, drone strikes, Guantanamo, lack of prosecutions for those truly responsible for the economic meltdown. But let’s be honest, he was up against the most hostile, reactionary, and obstructive Congress I can ever think of. He did inherit a huge mess financially, diplomatically, socially. We are

It just reminds me of all the stuff he’s tried to do in hostile circumstances - while the GOP keeps chanting batsh!t things like:

(even though they cheated the nation with fraudulent schemes AND got bailed out by the “LAZY WORKING POOR”)

Agreed, I add it to every savory dish I make.. I love garlic so much, roasted garlic bisque (which contains 5 full heads of garlic) is a staple of my winter diet.

Maybe because it’s all rumors and nothing is substantiated?

Alan Cumming Reacts To Things! It should be a fucking show.

It only takes two things to set off a jez writer: white and male

Yeah, they didn’t “yuck it up like a couple of old racists”, he pretended to do that so that he could deliver the line. The entire point of that bit was that he wasn’t sorry at all and he actually doubled down on the idea that Gibson is a piece of shit. There’s a lot to hate Gervais for, but this is isn’t it. As you

Not really getting where the hate for Gervais is coming from. To me he remains a great example of the comedian who always punches up and never punches down.

I think he is a moron. I wouldn’t go as far as hate. But he does do moron things. Like the whole “Pussy Posse” thing. And the dancing in clubs with sunglasses on while vaping. I would mock anyone for that.

To be fair, I have always hated Leonardo diCaprio, he seems like an entitled spoiled fuck face.

It might take too long to explain to her what ‘ no one is watching’ means.

11/10 would bang.