Not just an amateur asshole. Professional.

I have a bigger problem with her seeming endorsement of Beiber

Ugh, shit shows like this are crack to republicans.

it’s “brane”. duh

Sarah’s “American” is just throwing an English dictionary into a wood chipper (or turkey-grinder) and stringing together the bits that fly out

I’ll make t-shirts that say “Quiet, I’m preying

Go choke on a Chik-fil-A, you god-damned hillbilly.

I totally had a vision of that dolphin straight up eating that baby when it popped out

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz: In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Cruz denounced a “war on faith” and wrote: “We should make it possible for believers, such as Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in Kentucky, to hold government jobs without having to violate their religious beliefs. We can work together to come up with alternative ways to

As a Northern Californian, all of our seasons are pretty much the same. Used to be divided into “wet” and “fire”, but now it’s pretty much just “fire”.

I might make him bite a pillow, but no talking or kissing or even looking at his face. def no singing. plus i wouldn’t care if he finished or not. hard “maybe”

he has good pr people is all. they make him do those.

All Dean Winchester gifs get stars. always

Julianne: It super depends on the circumstances.

3 generations who probably think that government is too big

I don’t know how you have the stomach to visit that website and find these gems. I’d have to buy a new monitor after being on there for more than 30 seconds.

Here are some more stars for your screen name being my favorite phrase

Such Martyrdom. Soon she’ll have stigmata (or is that just Catholics?)


You guys do American accents MUCH better than we do British accents (see: Madonna)

It’s funny, when they moved into the White House, I didn’t really like Michele that much. She didn’t seem angry, but she was very serious. I have since come to realize that she is the greatest First Lady we’ve ever had. The two of them together...