
And if they don’t, you get to run their ass over by crossing that line on purpose yourself. Good for you!

You beat me to it!!


Whether it does or not means nothing. This is definitely aggravated assault and attempted manslaughter.

OMG. Really? Did you even listen to the audio? The old bastard was indignant when he got out of his car complaining about the passing on double yellow line. If he was trying to hurt the people, he would have gotten out to find out if he’d killed someone. He very plainly said, “I don’t care!” after he got out

Spot on bro

“But even if he did, all he did was slow dow.” Even if the biker is a dick, all he was doing was passing. Why should the biker have to take a wider berth? He was in the middle of the road. This is in NO WAY the biker’s fault, no matter how stupid he was. You NEVER try to kill someone for being stupid. You could

Still doesn’t give the old man the right to be a vigilante.

Does a polite society have room for people who kill (or try to kill) other people for passing them on DY lines?

Nah man.. It’s “douchebag” to rationalize killing someone for aggressively passing you. Whose ego is bigger, yours or the bikers?

Ok. Lots of comments calling out the biker. Who was the driver of the bike hurting by passing a small line of traffic and a slow elderly driver when there was CLEARLY no oncoming traffic? Can someone please define all the scenarios where it’s ok for YOU to purposely kill a biker and his passenger? I get that passing

Ok. Lots of comments calling out the biker. Who was the driver of the bike hurting by passing a small line of traffic and a slow elderly driver when there was CLEARLY no oncoming traffic? Can someone please define all the scenerios where it’s ok for YOU to purposely kill a biker and his passenger? I get that passing

Yup.. Jerks who turn on the washer fluid when you’re behind them on the interstate. Jerks who will speed up when you try to pass. Jerks who have egos too big to move to the slow lane for the 20 seconds it takes to be passed. I don’t get these people at all!

Why do you care if someone passes you on dy lines? Does that make you want to murder? If so, you’re a fool. There is only ONE victim here.

I can’t believe anyone would defend a person who tried to kill another human just for passing on a double yellow line. I ride a bike, and I pass when it’s safe to pass. You jerks calling out the bikers are the same jerks who won’t move over on the interstate to let people by or who speed up on the interstate when